Annie Ballén, MD


School of Medicine
Photo of Annie Ballén, MD

Education & Affiliations

MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE
BS/BA, Biology & Latin American Studies, Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, LA


Hometown: Omaha, NE

Preferred Name: Annie Ballén

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Hobbies and Interests

Cooking, baking, trying new restaurants, reading podcasts, running, biking, picnics, and anything with my dog Panchito.

Professional Interests

Psychotherapy, Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Therapy, Trauma disorders, Integrative Psychiatry, and Nutritional Psychiatry

What I love most about New Orleans?

I love the energy of New Orleans. There is so much to learn, explore and enjoy in this city. I love the outdoor events, beautiful trees/plants/flowers, large parks, live music, outdoor patios, and food culture.

What I love most about Tulane’s Psychiatry Program?

I am so thankful for the people in this program from my co-residents to the faculty and staff I have interacted with. My co-residents are an exceptional group of kind, intelligent, and fun people. All of the residents are welcoming, unique, and encouraging. I have learned so much from the faculty I have worked with and am truly inspired by them. I appreciate the broad experiences we get through this program and the patient populations we have the opportunity to serve.

Feel free to ask/email me about...

Plant based restaurants and parks.
