Physiology Academic Programs

The Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (BMS) offers the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a Concentration in Physiology. The Concentration in Physiology is comprised of our department faculty (including adjuncts) where a research program of study is individually developed for each student in consultation with the student's adviser and the dissertation committee. The training program is designed to ensure the achievement of significant accomplishments in the student's principal research field, as well as broad training in physiology. Our goals are to develop scientists with exceptional ability to conduct independent original research, who can design and offer instruction in physiology appropriate to the needs of medical and graduate student education, and who possess the background and training needed in scientific laboratories in academia and industry.Read More

The academic program in physiology conforms to the regulations of the BMS Program, although additional requirements may be superimposed by the Department. Minimum requirements include 48 hours of formal course work. Graduate research, which is carried out under the direction of the faculty adviser and committee, includes the areas of cellular, renal, cardiovascular, endocrine, and molecular physiology and neurophysiology.

The curriculum offers the following programs of study:

  1. PhD Program
  2. MS Program

Graduate students are required to complete core courses in the BMS Program and advanced courses in physiology during the first two years of graduate training. Other advanced graduate courses are offered as electives and are encouraged, depending on the student's research interests. The student is introduced to research during the first year of graduate training by rotating through faculty laboratories. At the end of the first year, it is anticipated that each student will select a research supervisor and will have initiated research.

All students are required to participate in the seminar programs offered by the Department of Physiology. Attendance and presentation of research findings at national scientific meetings are expected. Advanced students will also be involved in various departmental teaching programs. In addition, students must pass a preliminary examination, directed by the student's adviser, which involves an oral defense of a short research proposal before being admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.

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