Professor of Epidemiology, Professor of Medicine
Chair, Department of Pediatrics, Jane B. Aron Professor
Mentoring Faculty, Biochemisty & Molecular Biology, Tulane Cancer Center Member - Cancer Biology Research Program
Asst. Dean for Clinical Research
Chief, Endocrinology, Professor, Tullis-Tulane Alumni Chair--Diabetes
Adjunct Professor, Department of Medicine and Surgery
Center for Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine
John W. Deming, MD Regents Chair in Aging, Tulane Cancer Center Member - Cancer Biology & Genes X Environment Research Programs
Director, Tulane Center for Aging, Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry
Associate Professor
Tulane Cancer Center Member - Genes X Environment Research Program
Professor of Medicine, Price-Goldsmith Professor of Nutrition
Tulane Cancer Center Member - Cancer Biology Research Program
Research Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Tulane Cancer Center Member - Cancer Biology Research Program
Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology Tulane Brain Institute
Catherine and Hunter Pierson Chair in Neuroscience
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Dr. Barbara S. Beckman Professorship in Pharmacology
Joseph S. Copes Chair of Epidemiology, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Professor, Director of Tulane University Translational Science Institute
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Professor, Reynolds and Ryan Families Chair in Translational Cancer
Tulane Cancer Center Member - Genes X Environment Research Program
Professor and Past Chair
Associate Professor
HCA Regents Distinguished Chair and Professor, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Director, Tulane University Obesity Research Center
Associate Professor of Physiology and Medicine
Associate Professor of Medicine-Endocrinology
Adjunct of Physiology