Alexandra Belardo-DeFelice, MD


School of Medicine
Photo of Alexandra Belardo-Defelice, MD

Education & Affiliations

BA, Classical Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
MD, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA


Hometown: Lake Charles, LA

Preferred Name: Allee Belardo-DeFelice

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Hobbies and Interests

Writing (mostly creative nonfiction, narrative medicine, short stories, and poetry), board games, video games, military history, the literary works of Ray Bradbury, and PJ's Coffee

What I love most about New Orleans?

New Orleans has a very strong sense of culture, identity, and community, and it's very rewarding to live and work within that community; that's probably my favorite thing about the city. I also love the food (especially PJ's Coffee). Fun fact--one of my favorite places in the city is the National World War II Museum, where I used to work as a volunteer when I was an undergrad at Tulane!

What I love most about Tulane’s Psychiatry Program?

The people! I wanted a program with a friendly, supportive atmosphere and familial dynamic, and I am so thankful to have found that here at Tulane. I also wanted a program that cared about wellness and healthy work/life balance and that included the VA as a rotation site (I have a special interest in working with Veterans), and Tulane checked those boxes as well.

Feel free to ask/email me about...

Anything! If I can't help you, I'll do my best to find someone who can. I'm also happy to discuss living in Louisiana and can specifically speak to working in medicine with a liberal arts background.
