Crystal Obi-Azuike, MD


School of Medicine
Photo of Crystal Obi-Azuike, MD

Education & Affiliations

BS, University of Texas at Arlington
MD, University of Medicine and Health Sciences, St. Kitts


Hometown: Houston, TX

Preferred Name: Crystal Obi-Azuike

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her

Hobbies and Interests

Anything health and wellness (yoga, Pilates, meditation, self-improvement, relaxation, work life balance etc.); roller skating; fashion (always exploring my personal style);thrifting/vintage sourcing; true crime; watching 'think piece' videos on YouTube on virtually any subject; exploration (love a good art museum); Brunch (Alma Cafe!); travel

Professional Interests

Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis, Research Still exploring subspecialties but right now very interested in forensic psychiatry, pain psychiatry, interventional psychiatry.

What I love most about New Orleans?

The people here are the most genuine and friendly population you will ever come across, rich history, great arts and culture scene, a transient city so you will meet people from all over the country.

What I love most about Tulane’s Psychiatry Program?

Family oriented work culture. Diverse patient population with emphasis on underserved/marginalized populations.

Feel free to ask/email me about...

Food/exploration/music/art/everything spot recs, work culture, what to expect your first year, eras questions, research, honestly anything!
