Daniel Payberah, MD


School of Medicine
Photo of Danny Payberah, MD

Education & Affiliations

BS, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas
MD, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, Lubbock, TX


Hometown: Plano, TX

Preferred Name: Daniel Payberah

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His

Hobbies and Interests

Digital and traditional art, cooking (and the science of cooking!), exploring museums, film, all sorts of games, and meeting new people!

Professional Interests

Medical Education, Polypharmacy Management, Psychotherapy

What I love most about New Orleans?

The food! Starting residency at Tulane was my first chance to properly explore New Orleans, and I have yet to try a restaurant that isn’t outstandingly flavorful! Every restaurant I try motivates me to learn how to cook a new dish. Sometimes I could swear that even the fast-food chains have more flavor here than in the rest of the country!

What I love most about Tulane’s Psychiatry Program?

The camaraderie! My co-residents come from very diverse backgrounds, yet we all mesh well and support each other towards are professional goals. There’s a very organic sense of family that starts developing within the first few weeks of residency.

Feel free to ask/email me about...

Restaurants and must-try events for NOLA newcomers! (Or in general, a curated lesson-plan to learn how to draw!)

Email: dpayberah@tulane.edu