Phi Luong, DO


School of Medicine
Photo of Danny Luong, MD

Education & Affiliations

DO, Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
BS, Stanford University, Stanford, CA


Hometown: San Jose, CA

Preferred Name: Danny

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him

Hobbies and Interests

Art and/or History Museums (At least one in every city I visit!); Amateur Powerlifting (very amateur); Travel (most recent international trips were in Thailand and Italy); Watching YouTube Video Essays at 2x Speed (‘The Take’ is a really good pop-culture analysis channel.)

Professional Interests

Political Advocacy, Geriatric Psychiatry

What I love most about New Orleans?

There’s nothing like living in a city with such a long, unique history – and friends and family are lining up to visit because of that!

What I love most about Tulane’s Psychiatry Program?

The patient diversity is unmatched, since residents rotate at three huge hospitals whose patients include everyone from the most underserved citizens to veterans in need.

Feel free to ask/email me about...

LGBTQ+ life in the program and in New Orleans; Vietnamese Food recs; Nola tourist trap recs.
