Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD

Psychology Division Chief

(504) 988-5402
School of Medicine

Education & Affiliations

Louisiana State University, 1994, B.S.
Pepperdine University, 1999: MA,Clinical Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy
University of Alabama, 2001: MA, Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent
University of Alabama, 2005: PhD, Clinical Psychology, Child and Adolescent
Tulane University, 2006, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health


Dr. Trigg serves as the Chief of the Psychology Division, the Executive Director of Tulane Mental Health Consultation Services (T-MHCS), and the Director of TIKES Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation to Child Care Centers program. Dr. Trigg leads mental health consultation teams across the state and the Greater New Orleans area. She is a consistent contributor to the National Center of Excellence on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) and is one of the founding members of the national RAINE Group, which is dedicated to the practice, research, and policy of IECMHC. She co-developed the TIKES program, which has been funded through the Louisiana Department of Education to provide IECMHC to early education sites since 2007 and is the primary program of T-MHCS. Other T-MHCS programs have included IECMHC to the City Seats early education sites, IECMHC to all Jefferson Parish Community Action Program Head Start and Early Head Start Programs, and the Cornerstone MHC program, which provided mental health consultation and social skills supports to children in elementary school. T-MHCS also provides professional development to early education and elementary education educators on a variety of topics related to mental health and social emotional development. Dr. Trigg's primary research interest is learning how IECMHC works. The current TIKES program evaluation is examining how teachers’ beliefs and burnout impact their interpretation of children’s behaviors.


Vaughn, K.V., Keyes, A.K., & Trigg, A.B. (2022). Post pandemic preschool social emotional development. In Policies and procedures for the implementation of safe and health educational environments: Post-COVID-19 perspectives. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.

Trigg, A.B. & Keyes, A.W. (chapter accepted by editors). Treatment for trauma and stress related disorders. In K. Vaughn & K. Camelford (Eds.) Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Child and Adolescent Counseling. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Trigg, A.B. (2021). Classroom and Home Focused Consultation, Module six of eight web-based foundational modules for infant and early childhood mental health consultants. Sponsored by and available through The Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Consultation.

Trigg, A.B. (2021). Programmatic Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation – What Is It? Teaching resource for IECMHC education. The Center of Excellence for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation.

Gleason, M.M. & Trigg, A.B. (Eds) (2020). Managing behavioral issues in child care and schools: A quick reference guide. Itasca, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.

Osofosky, J.D., Keyes, A.W., Trigg, A.B., Dickson, A.B., & Mamon, L.Y. (2020). Telehealth during COVID-19: advantages, challenges, and barriers across zero to three programs. Zero to Three Journal, 41 (2), 45- 53.

Trigg, A.B. & Keyes, A.W. (2019). Child Care and Early Education as a Context for Infant Mental Health. In C. Zeanah (Ed), Handbook of Infant Mental Health, 3rd ed.

Boothe, A.B. & Nagle, G. (2013). A Quality Start in Louisiana: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation as a primary support in a quality rating system. Zero to Three, 33 (5), 45–  51.

Heller, S.H., Rice, J. Boothe, A., Sidell, M., Vaughn, K., Keyes, A., & Nagle, G. (2012). Social-emotional development, school readiness, teacher-child interaction, and classroom environments.  Early Education and Development, 23 (6): 919-944.

Gleason, M. M., Heller, S. S., Nagle, G., Boothe, A., & Keyes, A (2012).  Mental health screening in child care: Impact of a statewide training session. Early Childhood Research and Practice, 14 (2).

Heller, S. S., Boothe, A., Keyes, A., Nagle, G., Sidell, M. and Rice, J. (2011). Implementation of a mental health consultation model and its impact on early childhood teachers' efficacy and competence. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32: 143–164.


Trigg, A.B. & Keyes, A.W. (2021). Supporting Young Children and Understanding Their Behavior. Webinar for Louisiana Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood Licensing.

Trigg, A.B., & Keyes, A.W (2021). Early Childhood Trauma and Its Impact on Behavior: What Early Educators Can Do. Webinar for Louisiana Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood Licensing.