An eight-week on-line Remedial Medical Biochemistry course.
Program Overview: The course is broken into two course modules, Metabolic Biochemistry and Cellular Biochemistry. Depending on their remedial needs, students can opt to take either or both course modules. The Metabolic Biochemistry module covers six content blocks, including (1) Fundamentals and Kinetics, (2) Carbohydrate Metabolism, (3) Energy Production, (4) Lipid Metabolism, (5) Nitrogen Metabolism, and (6) Complex Disease States. The Cellular Biochemistry module covers an additional six content blocks, including (1) DNA/RNA/Proteins, (2) Glycobiology, (3) Protein Trafficking and Structural Proteins, (4) Blood, (5) Signal Transduction, and (6) Cell Cycle and Cancer. If a student only needs remediation in the Cellular Biochemistry module, some Metabolic Biochemistry Fundamentals topics are included.
Learning resources include reading files, slides, streaming videos, assessment question banks, and study guides.
The course director (David S. Franklin, PhD, is available by email to answer content questions. The senior program coordinator (Kelly Ragland, is available by email to answer enrollment and billing questions. To assess the student's performance at the completion of each module, a comprehensive exam is sent to the student's medical school. The exam is to be proctored by the course director or dean at the institution OR by Tulane via an online proctoring system. Local New Orleans students can be proctored on Tulane's Downtown campus. A passing grade is subject to individual institutional requirements, but is typically > 70%.
Qualifications and Prerequisites: Students must be registered in an accredited US Medical School, or equivalent. Students take the course modules on-line at their own institution. A letter must be supplied from the institutional Dean of Students, providing the following information: (1) written approval to take the course module(s), (2) which module(s) is(are) to be taken, (3) assurance that a passing grade in the summer remedial course is acceptable for removing the student's weaknesses or deficit, and (4) that a proctor will be supplied to administer the course module exams (please provide contact information for the proctor) OR that a proctored ONLINE exam is acceptable OR proctored locally on Tulane's Downtown Campus, and (5) that students will not be required to take any simultaneous curricular course work that might interfere with the student’s success in the summer remedial course.
Course Dates:
May 19th, 2025 to July 18th, 2025 (BOTH modules)
May 19th, 2025 to June 18th, 2025 (Metabolic ONLY)
June 13th, 2025 to July 18th, 2025 (Cellular ONLY)
Miscellaneous Information: (1) Application Process: The application, tuition and letter of support from the Dean of Students must all be submitted before the application is considered complete. Further instructions are supplied in the application. Please contact the department if you have any questions. (2) Housing: N/A. (3) High Speed Internet: All lectures are presented as streaming video, which are optimized for high bandwidth Internet connections (e.g., DSL, cable modem, T1). (4) Multimedia Computer: Since all lectures consist of both audio and video, computers must be capable of playing audio, and have speakers or headphones. The monitor must be capable of displaying a resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels. It is recommended that computers (either PC or Mac) be capable of playing Windows Media .asx and .wmv files, and have Windows Media Player 11 (or higher), Microsoft Office Word and PowerPoint, and Adobe Reader software.