Jim & Betty Karam Postdoctoral Training Endowed Fund

Our Department is pleased and honored to announce that Dr. Jim Karam and Mrs. Betty Karam have generously established the Jim and Betty Karam Postdoctoral Training Endowed Fund to support an outstanding postdoctoral fellow within our department.

Any postdoctoral fellow who posses the following criteria is encouraged to apply for this Fund:

  • Working or will work with a primary faculty member within Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (no citizen or green card required).
  • Successfully obtained PhD or MD or an equivalent degree within no longer than three years.
  • Motivated to become an independent scientific researcher in their long term academic career development.

Application materials: 1) a copy of updated CV, 2) two-page research proposal for his or her current research program with specific aims and approaches that will be used, 3) a statement of future career goals, and 4) a letter of support or recommendation from his or her mentor.

Once receiving more than one application, the best and most highly motivated candidate will be selected to receive this Award.  The Fund can be used for all activities involved in the postdoctoral fellow’s research, including part of his or her stipend, travel for a scientific conference, reagents or small pieces of equipment for research, etc. An annual report is required to report the status of the fund's usage, and how the awardee performed with this support, and what are the outcomes from this award-supported research (any publication, extramural fund, patent, etc.). This fund will support a selected awardee for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second year, pending on the performance of the awardee.

The 2022/2024 recipient of this Postdoctoral Training Endowment Fund is Dr. Qian Zhang of the Hong Liu Lab.  The 2021/2022 recipient of this Postdoctoral Training Endowment Fund is Dr. Sudipa Maity of the Jia Fan Lab.  The 2019/2020 recipient of this Postdoctoral Training Endowed Fund was Dr. Diana Stafa of the Jeffrey Han Lab.