Students are encouraged to register prior to the beginning of each semester, and should be registered for the Fall semester by the time of orientation. Required and elective courses for this program can be found below.
Our pharmacology curriculum includes 32 credit hours of graduate coursework that can be applied to meet the "32-hour rule" used by some medical schools that focus on the most recent 32 hours of course work when assessing academic performance during their admissions process. This is of greatest benefit to those students with either a low undergraduate GPA, or who have been out of school for awhile prior to applying to medical school.
Our graduate curriculum uses computer-based testing for all block exams using Canvas software with a Respondus Lockdown Browser, and webcam proctoring. Module exams, which occur approximately every 1 - 3 weeks throughout the year, will be taken on student laptops (PC or Mac). Tablets are not supported at this time.
Fall Semester
Course ID | Course | Credit Hours | Days / Time | Course Director |
GPHR 7250** | Medical Pharmacology | 6 | See Schedule | Clarkson |
GPHR 7190 | Principles of Pharmacology | 3 | See Schedule | Clarkson |
GPHR 7530 | Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology | 2 | See Schedule | Clarkson |
GPHR 7055 | Practicing Professionalism | 1 | See Schedule | Clarkson |
GPHR 7520 | Pharmacology ePortfolio | 1 | Variable | Clarkson |
GPHR 7210 | Advances in Pharmacology | 1 | Thur 12:00-1:00 | Katakam |
GPHR 7230 | Pharmacology Seminar | 1 | Fri 12:00-1:00 | Katakam |
Research Electives | ||||
GPHR 7510 | Pharmacology Lab Research | 2 | Variable | Clarkson |
Fall Total: | 15 credit hours | |||
* Courses begin Aug 21st 2023 | ||||
** Requires concurrent registration for Principles of Pharmacology, or prior completion of Medical Physiology | ||||
| ||||
Spring Semester |
Course ID | Course | Credit Hours | Days / Time | Course Director |
GPHR 7260** | Medical Pharmacology | 4 | See Schedule | Clarkson |
GPHR 7240 | Principles of Pharmacology | 2 | See Schedule | Clarkson |
GPHR 7055 | Practicing Professionalism | 1 | See Schedule | Clarkson |
GPHR 7520 | Pharmacology ePortfolio | 2 | Variable | Clarkson |
GPHR 7220 | Advances in Pharmacology | 1 | Thur 12:00-1:00 | Katakam |
GPHR 7200 | Pharmacology Seminar | 1 | Fri 12:00-1:00 | Katakam |
Masters students also need to take each of the Thematic courses listed below. | ||||
Spring Thematic Courses | ||||
GPHR 7050 | Cellular Control Mechanisms | 2 | Wed 1:00-3:00 | Braun |
GPHR 7040 | Neuropharmacology | 2 | Thur 1:00-3:00 | Mostany |
GPHR 7060 | Endocrine Pharmacology | 2 | Tues 1:00-3:00 | Lindsey |
Research Electives | ||||
GPHR 7510 | Pharmacology Lab Research | 2 | Variable | Clarkson |
Spring Total: | 17 credit hours | |||
Fall & Spring Total: | 32 credit hours | |||
Attendance at all graduate lectures, exams, small group sessions, advances in pharmacology & departmental seminars (in class or on line) is mandatory. If for some reason you are unable to attend a required class or session, you must obtain an excused absence from the Director of Graduate Studies (Dr. Clarkson). An official excuse is defined as:
- personal illness (a physician or student health service note will be required)
- family emergency such as a serious illness or death in the immediate family
- sanctioned events such as a medical school interview
An excuse for any other event must first be pre-approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. Students wanting to take the MCAT exam are advised to wait until the Winter break, Spring break (Mardi Gras week) or late during the Spring Semester since students who have completed the MS program typically end up with higher MCAT scores. Students will not be excused from block exams to take the MCAT exam.
Excused absences must be approved:
- in advance of scheduled events such as medical school interviews, or
- as soon as possible following an illness or another emergency. Excused absences should not be submitted for approval at a much later date.
Any excessive unexcused absences can be penalized by a reduction in a course grade.
The students will be assessed in the following manner. Any student receiving a "B-" or less in any course will be placed on probation. A second "B-" will be considered to be grounds for dismissal from the graduate program. A C grade is considered a failing grade, and results in no course credit.
Student Conduct:
Tulane University, as a community dedicated to learning and the advancement of knowledge, expects and requires the behavior of all of its students to be compatible with its high standards of scholarship and conduct. Acceptance of admission to the University carries with it an obligation for the welfare of the community. Freedom to learn can be preserved only through respect for the rights of others, for the free expression of ideas, and for the law. All individuals and/or groups of the Tulane University community are expected to speak and act with scrupulous respect for the human dignity of others, both within the classroom and outside it, in social and recreational as well as academic activities. Tulane University will not tolerate any form of harassment or intimidation on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, national origin, ethnicity, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation or marital status. By accepting admission to Tulane University, a student accepts its regulations and acknowledges the right of the University to take disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion, for conduct judged unsatisfactory or disruptive. The Code of Professional Conduct is posted at: http://medicine.tulane.edu/student-affairs/t-3-orientation/code-professional-conduct
Academic Violations:
- It shall be a violation of this Honor Code for a student to cheat.
- It shall be a violation of this Honor Code for a student to steal.
- It shall be a violation for a student to knowingly deceive another student, faculty member, or professional associate with the intent to gain advantage, academic or otherwise, for said student or for any other student.
- It shall be a violation for any student to fail to report any infraction of the Honor System to an appropriate representative or the Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology.
For further information on Honor Code Violations and related Outcomes, see the Honor Code section under Student Guidelines & Resources
When a complaint is received, the Chairman of the Department will set up an ad hoc committee to investigate and adjudicate.
The pharmacology graduate curriculum has a thematic block design, with lectures in different courses covering different aspects of a common theme or system (e.g. inflammation, cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, endocrine systems) in a logical sequence. Most courses are team taught, involving up to a dozen faculty in each course. Lectures are given in Rm 4700 in the Department of Pharmacology. Lecture dates and times are posted on Canvas.
Principles of Pharmacology
(Fall: 3 hrs; Spring: 2 hrs)
Provides a foundation of knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology necessary for the medical pharmacology course, which traditionally has been a 2nd year medical course. The course utilizes a combination of lectures, Osmosis videos interactive class sessions utilizing the Point Solutions classroom response system. Lecture material is presented in class, recorded on Zoom & posted online. Session handouts provide learning objectives for each session, and focus on essential concepts to be learned. All graduate students are given a 1 yr site license for Point Solutions and the Osmosis medical education platform at the beginning of the academic year.
Medical Pharmacology
(Fall: 6 hrs; Spring: 4 hrs)
Drugs are one of the most important tools used by physicians to cure, halt or prevent disease. The medical pharmacology course introduces medical & graduate students to the information and concepts needed to understand how to use drugs to safely and effectively treat illness and disease. The medical and graduate versions of the course are taught separately for logistical reasons. However, the content covered in both courses is essentially identical, including the exam questions and the customized NBME shelf administered as a final exam. Each lecture, simulation exercise, or case-based learning session includes a handout covering the content of the lecture or exercise, along with a list of learning objectives and essential drugs. While purchase of a text is not required, for those who wish to purchase one, we recommend the latest edition of Katzung’s “Basic and Clinical Pharmacology” which we consider to be an authoritative reference that can be relied upon for accurate information. We also provide a free “Pharmwiki” online learning resource that meets the needs of most students.
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
(Fall: 2 hrs)
Lectures cover concepts and methods in cell & molecular biology, physiology and pharmacology.
Advances in Pharmacology
(Fall: 1 hr; Spring: 1 hr)
Each class session consists of the presentation of a recently published research paper with ~3-4 students presenting the work of each assigned paper. The course director will select the papers, which typically reflect topics being covered in the Principles or Med Pharm course. The presenting groups of students must go over the presentation with the course instructor at least 2 days before the presentation. Attendance is required.
(Fall: 1 hr; Spring 2 hrs)
This course is designed for students to document their community service obligation in the form of monthly online blog posts where students document and reflect on their community service activities.
Public service is of particular importance to those entering our one year masters program, because providing a track record of significant public or community service has become a prerequisite for admission to most US medical schools. Students are expected to move beyond the scope of academics and work in a community to improve the health of a population. This is "what medicine is all about". As a result, a core requirement of our Masters program in Pharmacology is that students become involved in public or community service for a minimum of 12 hours for the fall semester (roughly 1 hr per week), and 2 hours per week (24 hrs total) for the spring semester (for 2 hours of course credit in the spring). Many students far exceed the minimum number of credit hours per semester. Tulane's Center for Public Service offers a wide variety of opportunities for community service.
The majority (>50%) of blog content should reflect comments (reflections on) recent community service experiences, or topics being covered in the graduate curriculum, vs events related to one's social life (which are more appropriately discussed on Facebook, or other social media platforms).
Pharmacology Seminar
(Fall: 1 hr; Spring: 1 hr)
Research presentations by faculty from Tulane and outside research institutions. Attendance is required.
Practicing Professionalism
(Fall: 1 hr; Spring: 1 hr)
The goal of this course is to teach and assess the practice of professional behavior for students in our graduate program. At the start of each semester, students will be allocated 100 Professionalism points. Students are expected to maintain these points by adhering to the professionalism policies outlined in the course syllabus posted on Canvas. At the end of each semester, students will be given a letter grade based upon the number of points remaining at the end of the semester.
Professionalism will be assessed using a grading rubric that includes attendance in all scheduled classes for Med Pharm, Principles, and Mol & Cell Pharm, including arriving to class on time. Students are also required to meet deadlines for curriculum surveys (once per semester). All excused absences must be both communicated within 24 hours and documented within one week after the missed activity.
Spring Semester Only Courses
(Spring: 2 hrs)
The format for this course is similar to that of Advances in Pharmacology and consists of ~10 class sessions centered on specific topics. At each session there will be a presentation by a group of 3-4 students based on a manuscript selected by the course director. Every student will participate in one presentation for the class. At the first class meeting, students will have the opportunity to sign up for the papers that they wish to present. Student groups must set up an appointment to go over their presentation with the faculty member for their topic at least ONE (1) week before their presentation.
Cell Control Mechanisms
(Spring: 2 hrs)
Lectures will cover concepts and topics involving the regulation and control of cell-associated processes.
Endocrine Pharmacology
(Spring: 2 hrs)
Readings and audio lectures from Dr. Robert Sapolsky's book "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: A Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping" (3rd Edition, Henry Holt, 2004) is the focus of the course, with special emphasis on corticosteroids. The course involves a series of required small group presentations, class participation, and posting on a Canvas discussion board.
Course Policies
Posted on Canvas