Incucyte SX5 Live-Cell Analysis System

Incucyte SX5 Live-Cell Analysis System

Key features

  • Three fluorescent channels (red, green and NIR)
  • Includes 4x, 10x, and 20x objectives on an automated turret
  • Seamless multi-user support via remote, networked access and unlimited, free licenses
  • Compatible with every plate

Perfect tool for making time-lapse videos of rare events (occurring in <20% of cells) within a population. Great for preliminary “bulk” imaging of whole wells to identify phenomena to be individually imaged with confocal microscopy.


$6.50/hour (Internal)
$10.40 (External Academic)

There are six slots in the instrument, price is indicated per slot.
There is an 8-hour price cap for every 24-hour period.