
The primary mission of the Training and Assessment of Professionals Skills (TAPS) Program is to assure and enhance clinical training at Tulane University School of Medicine (TUSOM). This is accomplished through the innovative integration of standardized patients into the curriculum in the areas of teaching and assessment of physical examination, medical interviewing, communication and interpersonal skills, at all levels of education from year one through the post-graduate years.

Educational Objectives:

  • Provide educational programs that prepare learners to examine and interact with patients in a manner beneficial to both doctor and patient.
  • Ensure that all learners meet a minimum level of competence at each stage of their education, through the use of multi-station clinical skills assessments (CSA/OSCE).
  • Provide a multi-disciplinary and non-threatening place for learners to obtain, improve, and integrate skills.
  • Provide a space where learners can have the privacy and time to develop interpersonal and communication skills and understand how these skills relate to patient care.
  • Help learners move beyond personal barriers to improve patient care.