Students are expected to present a neat, professional image during all testing and training sessions. A collared shirt is expected for men, and a conservative shirt/blouse is expected for women. You should wear your white coat, and your ID badge should be visible. You should not wear clothing that is ripped, excessively tight, low-cut or short. Please do not wear shorts or flip flops.
Hair should be clean and combed; nails should be clean and trimmed. If your nails are long, you may be asked to trim them before performing certain exams. Please refrain from wearing heavy fragrances as some people experience respiratory irritation.
It is imperative that you arrive at your scheduled time.
If you are running late, it is your responsibility to notify a staff member as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made. You may be asked to come to a later session. If no later sessions are available, you will need an excused absence to make up your missed session. Please do NOT come to a later session without first contacting a member of TAPS staff.
You have agreed to abide by Tulane's Code of Ethics. Do not discuss any individual SPs or any details of SP assessments with your peers. To do so is a breach of the Code of Ethics and is grounds for review. If you have an SP-related issue, please address it with a member of TAPS staff or faculty.
Tulane University is committed to creating and maintaining a campus environment where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Harassment, whether verbal, physical, written or visual, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
You are expected to behave professionally and treat all staff, SPs, and fellow students with courtesy and respect. Faculty may be involved if these expectations are not met.
If you ever experience any difficulties with SPs, other students, staff, or faculty, please address your concerns in detail as soon as possible to a TAPS staff member.
Cell phones should be turned off or in silent mode during your SP sessions.