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Spatial Multiomics Core is a new branch of COBRE Genomics, Bioinformatics and Spatial Multiomics Cores –Tulane Center For Aging. Spatial Multiomics Core is responsible for running 10X Visium spatial slide. The Visium Spatial Gene Expression Solution measures total mRNA in intact tissue sections and maps the location(s) where gene activity is occurring. Each Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slide contains Capture Areas with gene expression spots that include primers required for capture and priming of poly-adenylated mRNA. Tissue sections placed on these Capture Areas are fixed and stained All the cDNA generated from mRNA captured by primers on a specific spot share a common Spatial Barcode. Libraries are generated from the cDNA and sequenced and the Spatial Barcodes are used to associate the reads back to the tissue section images for spatial gene expression mapping.


Why spatial transcriptomics? Because position matters!


Visium for CytAssist

Visium HD Slide

Visium for Fresh Frozen tissue (Direct Mount Assay)