Membership in the Tulane Cancer Center


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Membership Guidelines

Who Can Join

  • Tulane Faculty - tenured and non-tenured
  • Faculty of other educational/research institutions who are not current members of an NCI-designated cancer center or another LCRC-affiliated institution
  • Doctoral-level full- or part-time faculty appointees
  • Tulane Doctors


Membership Levels

A.  Full Members
Must meet one of the following criteria: 
1) Be the principal investigator (PI), multiple PI (MPI), or project director (PD) on NCI-approved peer-reviewed program-eligible awards (e.g., R01, P01, U01, DOD, ACS, AICR, etc.)  Grants must include a clearly defined cancer focus.  Peer-review is defined by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) but generally includes all federal organizations and large non-profits. To review the list of NCI-approved funding organizations, please click below:

NCI-Approved Funding Organizations

2) Be PI of an investigator-initiated clinical trial and/or a multi-institutional trial  

Full Members Receive the Following Benefits:
•    Eligibility to compete for Tulane Cancer Center developmental funds and pilot projects
•    Eligibility for subsidized use of Tulane Cancer Center-supported shared resources
•    Eligibility for leadership positions and to assist in strategic planning initiatives
•    Association with a Tulane Cancer Center Research Program
•    Association with Tulane Cancer Center Disease-Oriented Teams
•    Invitations to scientific retreats, seminars and special programs
•    Inclusion on the Tulane Cancer Center website

B.  Associate Members 
Must meet one of the following criteria: 
1)  Have cancer-related co-publications in peer-reviewed journals
2)  Provide a significant and independent clinical, translational, or basic science research contribution
3)  Be in the first 3 years of a faculty appointment
4)  Play a key role in a national cooperative group
5)  Be engaged in cancer-relevant or potentially cancer-relevant work 
Associate Members Receive the Following Benefits:
•    Eligibility to compete for Tulane Cancer Center developmental funds and pilot projects
•    Eligibility for subsidized use of Tulane Cancer Center-supported shared resources
•    Association with a Tulane Cancer Center Research Program
•    Association with Tulane Cancer Center Disease-Oriented Teams
•    Invitations to scientific retreats, seminars and special programs
•    Inclusion on the Tulane Cancer Center website

C. Trainee Members
•    Engaged in cancer-focused research
•    Not independent investigators and are not required to have their own research support or publications
•    Be sponsored by a current Tulane Cancer Center member 


Must meet ONE of the following criteria:
•    Tulane graduate student 
•    Tulane medical student
•    Tulane postdoc
•    Tulane Medical School-affiliated resident or fellow 
•    Tulane undergraduates on a case-by-case basis

Trainee Members Receive the Following Benefits:
•    Association with a Tulane Cancer Center Research Program
•    Association with Tulane Cancer Center Disease-Oriented Team(s)
•    Access to Tulane Cancer Center shared resources for cancer-focused projects
•    Invitations to scientific retreats, seminars, and special programs

Trainee Member Responsibilities:
In addition to the Member Responsibilities listed below, Trainee Members must also provide:
•    Notification to Tulane Cancer Center Administration of publications, grants, investigator-initiated clinical trials, accruals, leadership roles, awards, media appearances, etc.
•    Annual updates of cancer-focused research, career progress.

Trainee Member Application Process:

The application process will be through the online membership application portal but will receive expedited review by the SLC.  Please remember to download the Trainee Member Sponsor Nomination Form below, have your sponsor complete the form and upload it when completing your online application.

Trainee Member Sponsor Nomination Form

Member Responsibilities (All Full, Associate & Trainee Membership Levels)

•    Active participation in assigned research program and/or disease-oriented team
•    Inter- and/or intra-programmatic collaboration
•    Acknowledgement of Cancer Center membership and/or use of shared resources, salary support or other Tulane Cancer Center funding in presentations and publications
•    Notification to Tulane Cancer Center Administration of cancer-related intramural proposals and/or extramural grant applications in which the member is or plans to be involved
•    Participation in fundraising activities on behalf of the Tulane Cancer Center
•    Annual updates of cancer-focused research and/or clinical activity (publications, grants, investigator-initiated clinical trials, accruals, leadership roles, awards, media appearances, etc.)


D.  Affiliate Members

Tulane University non-faculty research staff members; faculty of another research institution not part of LCRC and not another NCI-designated cancer center; or other Tulane Cancer Center supporters who advance the mission of the Tulane Cancer Center through active engagement in cancer research, patient care (including enrollment of patients on clinical trials), education, community service or outreach.  

Affiliate Members Receive the Following Benefits:
•    Inclusion in all Tulane Cancer Center communications, including distribution lists for seminar announcements, Grand Rounds, RFAs, grant announcements, retreats, e-newsletter, and special events 
•    In select cases, alignment to specific research programs and invitations to programmatic meetings or retreats 

Affiliate members are not eligible to apply for pilot funding nor can they access shared resource subsidies

Research Programs

Cancer Biology: Work in discovery of new cancer driving mechanisms, including signal transduction, hormonal response, apoptosis, tumor microenvironment and cancer immunology

Genes x Environment: Work in viral oncology, DNA damage, DNA repair, and epidemiology

Translational Oncology: Developing therapeutics and diagnostics, developing or running cancer clinical trials.

Cancer Population Sciences & Disparities: The epidemiology of cancer, especially disparities, health equity, and behavioral interventions for better prevention and diagnosis.

Disease-Oriented Teams (DOTs)

Tulane Cancer Center’s DOTs in Lung Cancer, Malignant Hematology, Breast Cancer, Genitourinary/Prostate Cancer, Neuro Oncology, Gastrointestinal/Colorectal/Pancreatic Cancers, and Head & Neck Cancers meet regularly to discuss research happening across the translational continuum. Members discuss research findings and other topics related to their specific disease area.  

Application Process

1.    Complete application form found on Tulane Cancer Center’s website.  Completed application packets include: 
a.    Membership Application
b.    NIH Bio Sketch
c.    NIH Other Support Page
d.    Statement of Cancer Relevance (no more than 250 words) 

2.    Applications are initially reviewed by Tulane Cancer Center’s Administrative Director for accuracy and completion.

3.    Following the Administrative Director’s initial review, application packets are forwarded to Tulane Cancer Center’s Membership Committee for review and recommendation of programmatic assignment.

4.    If the Membership Committee recommends membership, the application is forwarded to the Tulane Cancer Center Director for final approval based on published criteria.

5.    The Cancer Center will then notify the applicant of their approved membership level and programmatic assignment, as well as the responsibilities and expectations of Tulane Cancer Center Members within five days of Director’s approval.   Applicants are asked to acknowledge receipt of notification.

6.    New members will be added to the Tulane Cancer Center Member listserv to enable receipt of all Cancer Center notifications / invitations.  Full and Associate members will also be added to Tulane Cancer Center’s website.
7.    Annual reviews of member activities will occur.   

Submit Your Membership Application

To become a Tulane Cancer Center Member, please complete our online application form here:

Submit Membership Application 

Please note, the form will prompt you to attach:

1)  A Recent NIH Biosketch 
2)  A Recent NIH “Other Support” document 
3)  A Statement of Cancer Relevance (no more than 250 words):  Please describe your research area, specific interests, or other notable details about your research/experience and how it relates to cancer or could relate to cancer, highlighting current funded research.

Please have these documents available for upload.

A downloadable membership application form is also available here:  

Downloadable Membership Application Form


For more information on Tulane Cancer Center membership, please contact Melanie Cross at