Fellowship's Chief Message

dr laurianne wildAfter completing my fellowship training in 1996, I stayed on to join Tulane's Faculty and am now honored to lead the Clinical Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology (CIAR) Section of Tulane's Department of Internal Medicine. I was appointed Director of the Fellowship Training Program in 1999, and in 2014 I began to share this responsibility with Dr. John Carlson as Co-Director.  Currently our Fellowship Program Director is Dr. Margaret Huntwork.

Having loved my training at Tulane, I wanted to stay part of the Tulane team where I could continue to foster a training program with a high quality educational experience in the clinical and research arenas. We provide care to a very diverse patient population in a setting where team work is highly regarded. We have a great group of fellows each year with diverse backgrounds and interests, but we all have in common the dedication to caring for our patients with allergic and immunologic diseases, not only treating their disease processes but also creating partnerships and improving their day-to-day quality of life. Education is central to quality care. We learn from our patients and each other through weekly didactics, annual conferences, and outdoor educational activities.  Our fellows receive a well-rounded educational experience.

I am proud to be part of this team and look forward to our Section's exciting future.

Laurianne Wild, MD
CIAR Section Chief