
West Jefferson Medical Center
Assistant Professor Breast Imaging, Director of Medical Students
Department of Radiology
Associate Professor
Section Chief of MR/CT Body Imaging
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Interventional Radiology
Musculoskeletal Radiologist
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology
Section Chief of the Interventional Radiology
Interventional Radiologist
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Assistant Professor, Clinical Radiology
Department of Radiology
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Department Chair
Professor, Dept. of Radiology, Section Chief of Mammography
Musculoskeletal Radiologist
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Associate Professor
Section Chief of Neuroradiology
Assistant Professor IR & General Radiology
Musculoskeletal Radiologist
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Assistant Clinical Professor Radiology, New Orleans Children’s Hospital
Assistant Professor Vascular and Interventional Radiology
ESIR Program Director
Prof. of Radiology, V. Chair-Academics
Section Chief-Molecular Imaging & Therapeutics, Informatics
Professor Emeritus of Radiology
Radiology Faculty
Nuclear Medicine and Cardiothoracic Radiologist
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Abdominal Imaging Radiologist
Director of Radiology; New Orleans VA Medical Center
Associate Professor
Body Imaging
Pediatric Radiology
Abdominal Imaging Radiologist
New Orleans VA Medical Center
Director of Radiology, Children's Hospital
Assistant Clinical Professor Radiology, New Orleans Children’s Hospital
Associate Professor of Radiology
Radiology Residency Program Director