Fellow Research Projects & Publications

worker in endocrinology labA large variety of research resources are available in the Section of Endocrinology. Fellows have the opportunity of participating in meaningful research and scholarly publication activities from the very beginning of their training, whether planning a clinical or academic career.

While the program does not offer a dedicated research rotation, in keeping with the ACGME requirement that the curriculum advance a trainee's knowledge of the basic principles of research and provide the opportunity for trainees to demonstrate evidence of scholarship, the program provides a large variety of research resources. Whether planning a clinical or academic career, fellows participate in meaningful research and scholarly publication activities from the very beginning of their training. Trainees have the opportunity of participating in ongoing studies by distinguished and widely published faculty.  

Research projects and other activities through the NIH-supported Louisiana Clinical and Translation Science Center provide numerous opportunities for research and scholarly publication and are an integral part of the training program.  Fellows then have the opportunity and are encouraged to present posters or oral abstracts at national meetings of organizations such as The Endocrine Society, The American Diabetes Association, and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

Previous Graduates' Research Projects & Publications:





QI Project Titles

  • 2023 Graduates
    • Shaveta Gupta, MD - Bone Density Screening in Men/Women with Prostate/Breast Cancer Treated With Androgen Deprivation /Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy
    • Arianna Mohiuddin, MD - Primary Aldosteronism Screening in Primary Care Clinics


  • 2020 Graduates
    • Julia David, MD - "Improvement of the documentation and visualization of insulin drip protocol and the corresponding blood sugars in the Tulane medical records in ICU including Tulane Abdominal Transplant Unit"
    • Joanna Khatib, MD -  "Smooth Transition for Incoming Fellows'