Instructions: We will use your responses on this student profile during the process of preceptor and site assignments for your Family Medicine Clerkship. Although your rotation is months away, your placement is complex and requires planning in advance. This profile is about you -- your current career interests, your personal interests, and any special placement requests relevant to the Clerkship. We send a copy of the profile to your preceptor to help him/her get to know about you, before you begin working in the clinic. Read More
We intend to give each of you an excellent educational experience during your Family Medicine Clerkship and to work with your preferences and requests, when possible. There are many outstanding preceptors and sites available across the region, where you can have a wonderful experience. Please remember that most of our preceptors are volunteers, and we work within their schedules and availability. So, most preceptors are not available during all blocks. In addition, placements at New Orleans and New Orleans-area sites are limited during most blocks because there are relatively few sites available, and because of shared precepting with LSU students. Metro sites first are reserved for students with a documented need to remain in the area, e.g. family obligations, healthcare access. (Pets, research, extracurricular activities, and special hobbies are not considered extenuating circumstances for assignment in the New Orleans metropolitan area.)
If you have a request for a specific placement or types/locations of practices of greatest interests, please explain your request at the end of the profile form, with supporting information where applicable. We strongly encourage students to spend time reviewing preceptor/site options with the Clerkship Coordinator. We might not be able to honor all requests, but we will consider them, and giving us two to three preferences can be helpful.
We always welcome suggestions or leads on preceptors, but please let us make the contacts and arrange the placements, unless we discuss otherwise. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you.