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Click the links below to view handouts from TIKES presentations and read scholarly publications from our TIKES administrative team.

Early Childhood Trauma and Its Impact on Behavior: What Early Educators Can Do

  • Identify types & sources of trauma and traumatic stress and their effects on children.  Explore the prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and how to support children in building resilience by learning the functions of behaviors and how to interpret the needs being communicating.
  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD & Angela Keyes, PhD

Supporting Young Children and Understanding Their Behavior

  • Learn about how brain states impact the behavior of both children and adults. By recognizing brain states, you can work with them and not against them as you work to promote positive behaviors and respond to challenging behaviors.
  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD & Angela Keyes, PhD

Telehealth During COVID-19

  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD, Angela Keyes, PhD, Joy Osofsky, PhD, Amy Dickinson, LCSW, Lakisha Mamon, MD

Child Care and Early Education as Contexts for Infant Mental Health

  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD & Angela Keyes, PhD

A Quality Start in Louisiana: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation as a Primary Support in a Statewide Quality Rating and Improvement System

  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD & Geoffrey Nagle, Phd, LCSW

Mental Health Screening in Child Care:  Impact of a Statewide Training Session

  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD, Angela Keyes, PhD, Sherryl Scott Heller, PhD, Geoffrey Nagle, PhD, Mary Margaret Gleason, MD,  Janet Rice

Implementation of a Mental Health Consultation Model and Its Impact on Early Childhood Teachers' Efficacy and Competence

  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD, Angela Keyes, PhD, Sherryl Scott Heller, PhD, Geoffrey Nagle, PhD, Margo Sidell, ScD, Janet Rice

Social-Emotional Development, School Readiness, Teacher-Child Interactions, and Classroom Environment

  • Allison Boothe Trigg, PhD, Angela Keyes, PhD, Sherryl Scott Heller, PhD, Geoffrey Nagle, PhD, Margo Sidell, ScD, Janet Rice, Krystal Vaughn, PhD