Radiology - Chair's Message


From The Chair 

Thank you for your interest in the Tulane Department of Radiology.

We pride ourselves in delivering progressive diagnostic imaging and minimally invasive procedures. Our mission is timely, patient-oriented care, while providing education to our trainees and patients. To sustain optimal care and education, we not only conduct our own research, but we stay current by reviewing advances from other institutions and the literature. We strive to provide optimal care at a level which we would want for ourselves.

Our training program is designed to provide a variety of both didactic and hands on experiences to educate our residents in the many aspects of Radiology. Our education is provided within in a friendly and collegial atmosphere.

Tulane has a dedicated Tulane Institute of Sports Medicine (TISM) providing specialized care for sports injury and the radiology department is the primary provider of diagnostic imaging for TISM, which further enriches the experience of residents in this sub-specialty. In addition, TISM is one of only four centers that provide care related to traumatic brain injuries in NFL players. The radiology department is poised to provide all aspects of advanced diagnostic imaging, particularly in the neurological evaluation of the patients, which includes diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and fMRI.

Department faculty are recognized for their extensive academic involvements in all subspecialties. The Tulane Radiology Department faculty regularly present lectures as well as educational and scientific exhibits at national and international radiology meetings. The faculty have made numerous contributions to professional books and journals. The Tulane faculty also serve as radiology section editors for sub-specialty and general medical journals.

Please know that I am firmly committed to the success of our department. I am happy to discuss any questions that you may have in person, or by email or telephone.


With warm regards,

Cynthia W. Hanemann, MD, FACR

Professor of Radiology
Chair of Radiology

Tulane University School of Medicine

(504) 988-7627


Rev 10/11/23 D9