Genes X Environment

Researchers in the Genes X Environment Research Program work in viral oncology, DNA damage, DNA repair and epidemiology.


Genes X Environment Research Program Leader

Erik Flemington, PhD
(far left in above photo)
Zimmerman Endowed Professor of Cancer Research
Tulane University School of Medicine
Co-Lead, Genes X Environment Research Program
Louisiana Cancer Research Center
Click here for Dr. Flemington's publications.


Genes X Environment Research Program Faculty...

Hans Andersson, MD
Karen Gore Professor of Human Genetics
Director, Hayward Genetics Center
Professor of Pediatrics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Andersson's publications.

Vecihi Batuman, MD, FASN
Executive Vice Chair, John W. Deming Department of Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Batuman's publications.

Victoria Belancio, PhD
Associate Professor of Structural & Cellular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Assistant Director for Cancer Research Training
Louisiana Cancer Research Center
Click here for Dr. Belancio's publications.

Srikanta Dash, PhD
Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Dash's publications.

Prescott Deininger, PhD
Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation Chair in Oncology
Associate Director for Basic Science
Tulane Cancer Center & Louisiana Cancer Research Center
Click here for Dr. Deininger's publications.

Stacy Drury, MD, PhD
Remigio Gonzales MD Professor of Child Psychiatry
Vice Chair of Research, Department of Pediatrics
Associate Director, Tulane Brain Institute
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Drury's publications.

Chris Dvorak, MS, CGC
Instructor, Department of Pediatrics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Dvorak's publications.

Melanie Ehrlich, PhD
Professor of Genetics & Genomics
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Ehrlich's publications.

Jeffrey Han, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Han's publications.

Nancy Hopkins, PhD
Professor of Practice, Department of Cell & Molecular Biology
Tulane University
Click here for Dr. Hopkins's publications.

James Jackson, PhD
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Jackson's publications.

Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, PhD
Professor of Chemistry
School of Science & Engineering
Tulane University
Click here for Dr. Jayawickramarajah's publications.

Xiang Ji, PhD
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Tulane University
Click here for Dr. Ji's publications.

Sam Landry, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Landry's publications.

Sean Bong Lee, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Lee's publications.

Zhen Lin, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Lin's publications.

Hong Liu, PhD
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Liu's publications.

Hongbing Liu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Section of Nephrology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Liu's publications.

Hua Lu, MB, PhD
Professor & Chair, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Reynolds & Ryan Families Chair in Translational Cancer Research
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Lu's Publications.

Arthur Lustig, PhD
Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Lustig's publications.

Anil Mishra, PhD
Professor of Medicine
Director, Eosinophilic Disorder Center
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Mishra's publications.

Gilbert Morris, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Morris's publications.

Zachary Pursell, PhD
Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Pursell's publications.

Astrid Roy-Engel, PhD
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Roy-Engel's publications.

Sudhir Sinha, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Sinha's publications.

Yu-Ping Wang, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
School of Science & Engineering
Tulane University
Click here for Dr. Wang's publications.

Qinyan Yin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Critical Care & Environmental Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Yin's publications.

Jinqiang Zhang, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Zhang's publications.

Genes X Environment Research Program Members In The News...

Hans Andersson, PhD

Tulane health experts appointed to state board to help Louisianans with rare diseases | Tulane School of Medicine


Victoria Belancio, PhD

VA Merit Award grant supports research into biomarkers for metastatic prostate cancer | Tulane University News

Tulane researcher receives grant to study ‘dark matter of genomes’ | Tulane University News

Kay Yow Fund gives Tulane Cancer Center a $100k boost | Tulane University News


Prescott Deininger, PhD

American Cancer Society grant will help Tulane cancer patients overcome transportation barriers | Tulane University News

NIH Awards Tulane University $11 Million For Cancer Genetics Research Program | Tulane University News


Stacy Drury, MD, PhD

Tulane psychiatrist wins national award for research that shows how trauma seeps across generations | Tulane University News

NIH taps Tulane neuroscientist to lead effort to standardize research in genetic aging | Tulane University News

New Hope for a New Generation | Tulanian (

Living in disordered neighborhoods gets under the skin | Tulane University News


Astrid Roy-Engel, PhD

Grad focuses on cancer research | Tulane University News

Student research: A transformative experience | Tulane University News