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  1. Promotion to Professor: Faculty will generally have served in rank as Associate Professor for at least 5-6 years, with promotion occurring when the following criteria have been met:
    1. The Chair must provide a detailed letter of support, with an analysis of the candidate’s activities and contributions, deserving of promotion to professor.
    2. Candidate must be nationally or internationally recognized in his/her field. Outside letters must support this.
    3. Candidate must have current funding with record of renewal of funding
    4. Candidate must be active in scholarly publication. Number of publications is not specified; Impact Factor is an important consideration. Candidate will be expected to be lead, senior or corresponding author on most recent publications.
    5. Candidate is expected to be actively involved in teaching activities
    6. Candidate is expected to render adequate services to the department, Medical School and the community
  2. Promotion to Associate Professor
    1. The Chair must provide a detailed letter of support, with an analysis of the candidate’s activities and contributions, deserving of promotion to associate professor.
    2. Candidate must be nationally recognized at minimum. Evidence of this includes:
      1. Outside references
      2. Record of current funding
      3. Participation in Study sections
      4. Editorial boards and manuscript reviewer
      5. Invitations for outside presentations
    3. Research productivity is the most important criteria but not with the exclusion of teaching activity. Candidates must be actively publishing their work, generally being cited as lead or senior author in peer-reviewed journals. Impact factor will be considered.
    4. Funding should be from NIH or equivalent agencies
    5. Candidate is expected to be actively involved in teaching activities
    6. Candidate is expected to render adequate services to the department, Medical School and the community.


  1. Promotion to Professor: Faculty will generally have served in rank as Associate Professor for at least 5-6 years, with promotion occurring when the following criteria have been met:
    1. The Chair must provide a detailed letter of support, with an analysis of the candidate’s activities and contributions, deserving of promotion to professor.
    2. The candidate must have a national or international reputation.
    3. Candidates should be funded by peer-reviewed grant.
    4. There must be a strong record of active scholarly productivity including current publication record.
    5. The candidate's stature as a scholar and ability in teaching, research, clinical care, professional and/or administrative activity should be considered.
    6. While some candidates may have exceptional clinical service, this cannot overcome deficits in scholarly productivity or research funding expected of a tenure-track professor. Candidates must be actively publishing their work, generally being cited as lead or senior author in peer-reviewed journals. Impact factor will be considered.
    7. Candidate should be actively involved in teaching activities 8. Candidate is expected to render adequate services to the department, Medical School and the community.
  2. Promotion to Associate Professor
    1. The Chair must provide a detailed letter of support, with an analysis of the candidate’s activities and contributions, deserving of promotion to associate professor.
    2. Candidate must be nationally recognized at a minimum. Evidence is provided by:
      1. Outside references
      2. Record of funding
      3. Participation in Study sections
      4. Editorial boards and manuscript reviewer
      5. Invitations for outside presentations
    3. Research productivity is the most important criteria but not with the exclusion of teaching activity. Candidates are expected to be funded by peer-reviewed grants.
    4. Candidates must have a substantial record of recent publications, particularly being cited as lead or senior author in peer-reviewed journals.
    5. Candidate is expected to be actively involved in teaching activities
    6. Candidate is expected to render adequate services to the department, Medical School and the community.

Approved June 1, 2011