Student in Lab

Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program

The Biomedical Sciences Interdisciplinary PhD Application for Fall 2026 will open on September 1, 2025.
No application fee. 


Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Virtual Tour


Tulane’s Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences brings together some of the nation’s most talented young people with nationally- and internationally-recognized teachers and researchers: all in the context of a vibrant city replete with opportunities both in and out of the lab and classroom. Located in downtown New Orleans, Tulane's Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences aims to train scientific minds in a collaborative and creative environment. Read More

The program consists of a PhD program and Master's degree programs in Anatomy, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Biomedical Informatics, Clinical Research, Medical Genetics and Genomics, Microbiology and Immunology, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Pharmacology and Physiology. The Graduate Program also offers graduate certificates in Sports Medicine, Clinical Ethics, Research Ethics, and Medical Humanities.

PhD candidates graduate with a Biomedical Science degree and may specialize in one of the basic science Master's specialties listed above. The program is organized as an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental, and intercampus program, comprised of faculty actively engaged in biomedical research. The goal of the PhD program is to train scientists in a collaborative scientific community driven by creativity and innovation. Our PhD students can take graduate courses in any department at Tulane. They are mentored by faculty from the Tulane School of Medicine and the Tulane National Regional Primate Research Center. The curriculum is guided by a board of representatives composed of members of each department.

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