Download the 3rd Year Review Tenure Track Guidelines for printing
General Guidelines
- The faculty member, departmental administrator and chair will be notified of the timeline for the third-year review and the date by which materials are to be submitted to insure a timely review.
- The faculty member undergoing a third year review will provide an updated CV and prepare a career/professional summary that addresses their teaching, service, and research achievements to date in addition to their goals for the next 3-5 years.
- The Departmental Promotions Committee (or equivalent) will review this material (the “Third Year Evaluation Guidelines” can be used as a guide—see below). This Committee should provide a written summary of their findings to the department chair, who is expected to summarize the findings and discuss with the faculty member.
- The following information / documents to be submitted to the SOM P &H Committee
- Chair’s recommendation regarding reappointment on the tenure track
- Chair’s summary of findings with written acknowledgment from the candidate that all of the findings have been discussed with the faculty member
- Departmental review (in departments with review committees) including the summary of findings and their recommendation regarding reappointment on the tenure track
- Faculty member’s updated CV-(see guidelines below )
- Faculty member’s career/professional statement
- Chair’s recommendation regarding reappointment on the tenure track
- What is the faculty member’s research focus? What are the faculty member's research priorities for the next three years?
- Does this faculty member have an independent research project/program? If not, is he/she making sufficient progress towards independence?
- Did the individual have an adequate start-up package upon entering Tulane?
- Has this faculty member succeeded in obtaining extramural funding as principal investigator? If not, is there convincing evidence that he/she has a high probability of securing independent funding within the next 2 years?
- List what peer-reviewed grant proposals have been submitted and to what entities? How many have been scored, approved, and/or funded?
- Did the individual have an adequate start-up package upon entering Tulane?
- Has this faculty member contributed scholarly publications in peer-reviewed journals? Has he/she published, or presented original research that was conducted independent of his/her mentor?
- What is the number of his/her peer-reviewed and other publications—since initiation on the tenure track and in total?
- In which journals? What is the quality of the journals?
- What is the impact of the publications?
- How many as first, corresponding or senior author?
- In which journals? What is the quality of the journals?
- How many regional, national and international scientific presentations have been given by the faculty member since start of the tenure track and in total?
- What is the number of his/her peer-reviewed and other publications—since initiation on the tenure track and in total?
- Include commentary regarding the promise and the significance of the investigative work and the synergy of this work with the department's and school's strategies for scientific and professional advancement.
- Is there sufficient support within the school to ensure this faculty member’s success? What specific steps will the Department take to mentor him/her? What resources have been made available to this faculty member to enhance his/her potential success as a nationally recognized leader in their field?
- What are the faculty member's teaching duties and responsibilities? How many graduate students does he/she mentor? How effective are the mentoring activities?
- How does he/she participate in the teaching mission of the department and the SOM?
- What are the evaluations of the teaching activities for this faculty member?What are his/her strengths or weaknesses?
- What is the faculty member's service to the SOM and University community?Does he/she serve in any departmental/school/university committees?
- What is the service to the profession? What regional, national or international organizations does he/she participate? What peer-review activities has he/she participated in?
- If applicable, what are the faculty member's clinical duties? How do they enhance or hamper his/her ability to conduct research or teach?
- Is this faculty member on the proper trajectory with respect to research, teaching and service to receive tenure? If not, what additional things should he/she be doing?
- Is this faculty member making sufficient progress towards independence as an investigator?
- What is the quality and significance of the faculty member’s work?
- What are the faculty member and the department doing to insure that the criteria for advancement to include research, teaching and service are being met?
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Guidelines
A standard format has not been adopted, however an example of a well-prepared CV is available on the website. The following guidelines should be used in preparing a CV:
- All information in the CV should be organized chronologically
- Education – begin with college
- Professional appointments
- Honors and awards, editorial and other peer-review responsibilities
- Formal teaching activities (including graduate students mentored)
- Funding: include participation (PI, co-PI, etc.) and source
- Regional, national, and international presentations (include title of the presentation, meeting name, date, location, faculty role)
- Publications: Use standard (PubMed) nomenclature: Controlling and ultimately ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic: a feasible goal.Folkers GK, Fauci AS. JAMA. 2010 Jul 21;304(3):350-1. PMID:20639573
- List all authors
- Separate peer-reviewed articles from non-peer-reviewed articles, chapters, and textbooks
- List all authors
- Education – begin with college
- Mix publications and presentations
- Include CME activities unless faculty is presenter
- Include publications “in preparation”
- Mix publications and presentations
Version 1.0 7-2014