PhD Graduate Program

The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology offers a program of study leading to a PhD degree within the framework of the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences. Areas of research strength include growth signaling and cancer, DNA and RNA binding proteins, and protein/peptide structure, function and folding. Graduate training in the department draws on tools of modern biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, bioinformatics, biophysics and chemistry.

The faculty are committed to helping its students acquire both a breadth of knowledge in biomedical sciences and an ability to think critically, creatively, and imaginatively about scientific problems. The program of study is tailored individually for each student, initially at the Departmental level and subsequently in consultation with the student’s advisor and dissertation committee. The training program is designed to ensure that every student receives broad training in biochemical sciences and achieves significant goals in a specialized field of research.

Program of Study

Admission Information and Application Process

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