CTC Core Laboratory ~ Core Services

Biospecimen Processing, Storage, and Shipping

The Biospecimen Processing Core within the CTC Core Laboratory provides sample processing, storage, and shipping services to internal and external investigators and research organizations conducting basic, translational, and clinical research. Services related to regulatory submissions, as well as support for site evaluation, initiation, monitoring, and closure visits, are provided at no additional cost.

CTC core lab processing

The CTC Core Laboratory is a proud collaborator of Tulane principal investigators (PIs) and Tulane Center for Clinical Research (TCCR).

The CTC Core Laboratory is the designated sample-processing lab (SPL) for Johnson and Johnson/Janssen, Sanofi Pasteur, and Vaxart. The CTC Core lab conducts business with Labcorp, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the HIV Vaccine Trials Network, and the HIV Prevention Trials Network.

The Sample Processing Core offers the following services:

  • Whole blood processing for collection of plasma, serum, dry blood spots (DBS), and other derived specimens,
  • Isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from whole blood using specialized tubes or a high-density medium,
  • Isolation of buffy-coat from whole blood,
  • Saliva, urine, and other human biospecimens processing and storage,
  • Preparation of slides (smears),
  • Standard and refrigerated centrifugation of primary or derived specimens,
  • Computerized tube labeling, 
  • Short and long-term storage of biospecimens at –20°C, –80°C, and in liquid nitrogen vapor,
  • IATA-compliant packaging and shipping of samples to satellite laboratories.

The Lab uses the following equipment for this Core:

  • Two Bio-Safety Cabinets class II A/B3,
  • Ambient and Refrigerated Centrifuges,
  • Air-clean 600 PCR workstation,
  • CFR 21 Part 11 and HIPPA-compliant Laboratory Data Management System (LDMS) with Brady BMP51 label printer,
  • Three -80º C freezers with CO2 backup systems,
  • Biomedical freezer -30º C,
  • Refrigerated full-size and micro-centrifuges,
  • Liquid Nitrogen storage system.
CTC core lab storage
CTC core lab criostorage

Molecular Analyses

The Molecular Core within the CTC Core Laboratory provides both routine and specialized molecular testing to support research studies, ongoing grants, and future proposals. Services are tailored to meet the needs of investigators and include:

CTC Core lab molecular
  • Isolation and storage of DNA and RNA from whole blood, PBMCs, and tissues,
  • Performance of DNA and RNA-based analyses: standard PCR, reverse transcription-PCR, and real-time PCR,
  • Molecular genotyping and mutational analysis using allelic discrimination and other molecular methodologies,
  • New Test Validations as a laboratory-developed test (LDTs) for translational studies using CAP/CLIA regulations to result in a Clinical Test.

The Lab uses the following equipment for this Core:

  • 9700 GeneAmp PCR system,
  • 7500 Fast Real-time PCR system,
  • NanoDrop system 200,
  • Agilent Bio-analyzer,
  • Fluorchem fragment and image analyzer.

Biomarker Panel Assays and Protein Expression Profiling by Meso Scale Discovery and ELISA

The Biomarker Analysis Core within the CTC Core Laboratory develops, validates, and conducts biochemical assays or panels to support pre-clinical, translational, and clinical research, including:

CTC Core lab MSD molecular
  • Cancer biomarkers analyses, 
  • Neuroscience studies,
  • Cardiovascular studies,
  • Immunology studies,
  • Metabolism and endocrine system studies, 
  • Cognitive testing methods,
  • Cytokine and Chemokine assays.

The Lab used the following equipment for this Core:

  • Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) Meso QuickPlex SQ 120 electrochemiluminescence detection system (Dean's fund),
  • Multiplex assay magnetic bead auto-washer,
  • ELISA microplate reader with auto-striper washer.