SOM Information, Policies, Faculty180 and Forms


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What is the difference between “clinical” and “adjunct” for our part-time faculty?

All faculty with part-time appointments or who volunteer in the School of Medicine receive title designations that include a prefix as either clinical or adjunct. The modifier “clinical” identifies part-time clinical faculty. The modifier “adjunct” is used as a prefix for part-time non-clinical faculty or volunteer faculty.

What is the timetable for reviewing promotion packets and why do candidates need to submit materials at least 6 months prior to the intended effective date of either January 1st or July 1st and at least 9 months before a Tenure Decision Date?

The review process for tenure promotion or promotion to Associate Professor or Professor is a rigorous, multi-step process outlined in the Faculty Handbook. This review involves progressive review and assessment by multiple decision makers. At a minimum, the review process takes between 6-9 months to complete. Candidates should contact their department chair or division chief to discuss their candidacy and learn about their department’s internal process for evaluating and nominating candidates. Most departments have departmental committees that review applications and make recommendations to the chair. Therefore, candidates should consider starting the review processes well before the intended submission deadlines. The promotion process involves progressive assessment of candidates by their colleagues in their department, external reviewers within their discipline, departmental P&H Committee where applicable, and support by the candidate’s Department Chair. Candidates then submit a promotional packet to the School’s Promotion and Honor (P&H) Committee for review and assessment. Tulane’s SOM P&H Committee meets on the second Monday of each month. At times, the P&H Committee may seek additional, clarifying information from candidates or the department before proceeding to process and vote on a candidate’s promotion packet. Packet’s tabled at a P&H meeting are heard at the next P&H meeting following receipt of any requested materials. After the P&H Committee votes and makes recommendations, a candidate’s packet is sent to the General Medical Faculty Executive Committee and Dean of the School of Medicine for review and assessment. The Executive Committee generally meets monthly. The Executive Committee reviews and votes on the qualifications of the candidates promotion packet, Thereafter, the SOM’s Office of Faculty affairs prepares and submits a summary of the recommendations by the P&H Committee and Executive Committee along with the candidate’s promotion packet to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost for consideration. In situations where the review has produced conflicting outcomes, the Provost will discuss the case with the School’s Dean before making a final decision. Final decisions are communicated to the candidate in writing. Promotions are prospective and effective on the next upcoming eligibility date of either July 1st or January 1st.

What is an ‘executive summary’?

An executive summary is a necessary part of a candidate’s promotion packet. It is an opportunity for the candidate to highlight the importance, novelty, significance, or competitive advantage of their work or contributions. Ideally, it is a concise overview of one’s academic accomplishments and how they align with the SOM’s missions. An executive summary should be about one to two pages and no more than four pages long.

Who can write referee letters?

Letters of evaluation should be from accomplished faculty external to Tulane and Louisiana. External reviewers should be independent, and not include anyone who previously served in a role as mentor, student, or significant collaborator with the candidate. Applicants for Associate Professor must get letters from those at the rank of either Associate Professor or Professor. Applicants for promotion to Professor must obtain letters from those at the rank of full Professor.

What does a “call letter" look like?

Sample letters are available on the SOM Faculty Affairs website.

How should an academic CV be formatted?

Faculty should use the CV format provided in Interfolio, Faculty180, which can be accessed online through Gibson online ( Contact SOM’s Office of Faculty Affairs for assistance.

How do I request a sabbatical?

Sabbatical requests are submitted through Interfolio. Please review the Faculty Handbook, the Sabbatical FAQs on the Provost's website, or contact the SOM's Dean’s office.