Helpful Resources

American Board of Preventive Medicine

The purpose of the American Board of Preventive Medicine is to grant and issue, to qualified physicians who are licensed to practice medicine, certificates of special knowledge in Preventive Medicine  and to encourage the study, enhance the standards of practice, and advance the cause of Preventive Medicine.

American College of Preventive Medicine

Established in 1954, ACPM is the national professional society for physicians committed to disease prevention and health promotion. Specialists in preventive medicine are uniquely trained in both clinical medicine and public health. They have the skills needed to understand and reduce the risks of disease, disability and death in individuals and in population groups. ACPM's 2,000 members are engaged in preventive medicine practice, teaching and research.

American Public Health Association

APHA represents a broad array of health professionals and others who care about their own health and the health of their communities. The Association aims to protect all Americans and their communities from preventable, serious health threats and strives to assure community-based health promotion and disease prevention activities and preventive health services are universally accessible in the United States.

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

ASTHO is the 501(c) (3) non-profit membership association representing the chiefs of state and territorial health agencies and the 120,000 individuals who work for them. State health officials receive valuable, timely and accurate information, advice, and support on critically important public health concerns from ASTHO and Federal policymakers look to the Association for expertise when developing policy, drafting legislation, and disseminating regulations.

National Association of County and City Health Officials

NACCHO represents a coalition of governmental local health departments, including counties, cities, city/counties, districts, townships and tribal public health agencies. NACCHO works to achieve optimal health for all through an effective local governmental presence for public health. They embrace health equity and social justice as the cornerstone of their work, recognizing that equality, shared decision making, and attention to the social determinants of health are central to promoting healthy communities.

Partnership for Prevention

Partnership for Prevention is a membership organization of businesses, nonprofit organizations and government agencies advancing policies and practices to prevent disease and improve the health of all Americans. They seek to increase investment in preventing disease and promoting health and to make prevention a national priority.

What is Public Health?

"What is Public Health?" was developed by the Association of Schools of Public Health to define the scope of public health, show its impact on our lives and outline the types of careers available in the field