Academic Program Conferences

IBD Conference: Based at UMCNO. Multidisciplinary including IBD specialist, radiology, and surgery among others.  Not mandatory but any Tulane GI fellow may participate to learn or present a case for more advice. Conference occurs the second Friday of every month at 7am. Agenda for the conference is e-mailed prior to, and one can e-mail Ann-Porter Uhlhorn, RN to add a case onto the agenda (

Liver Transplant Selection Conference: Based at Tulane Hospital. Multidisciplinary including all members of the transplant team including but not limited to surgery, hepatology, social work, nurse coordinators, nutrition, psychology/psychiatry, etc.  Every Friday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Mandatory attendance for the fellow rotating on hepatology. The hepatology fellow will present all admitted listed pre-, and post-transplant patients on whom hepatology is consulted. Other fellows may attend if interested, on a non-mandatory basis if other clinical duties allow.

Liver Tumor Board Conference: Based at Tulane Hospital. Multidisciplinary including radiology, oncology, transplant/hepatobiliary surgery, interventional radiology. May include complicated hepatobiliary cases not tumor related as well. Every Friday after selection starting typically at 12:30 pm. Mandatory attendance for the fellow who is on hepatology.  Other fellows may attend if interested, on a non-mandatory basis if other clinical duties allow. Fellows may submit Tulane patient cases to this from off-site as well, with the approval of a hepatology attending. One can e-mail the Tumor Board Registrar, Ms. Maria Reynaud ( case information no later than 24 hours prior to the conference.

Liver Pathology Conference: Based at Tulane Medical School. Monthly conference (day/time varies) on the 6th floor in the Dunlap Library using a multi-head microscope. Review of inpatient and outpatient liver biopsy slides with hepatology attendings and Tulane GI pathologist, Dr Tong Wu. Mandatory attendance for the fellow who is on hepatology.  Other fellows may attend if interested, on a non-mandatory basis if other clinical duties allow. Fellows may submit Tulane patient cases to this from off-site as well, with the approval of a hepatology attending. E-mail Ms. Corlis Trepagnier to put on a case for review (

*Tuesday Conference: 12:15-1:15 pm at Tulane Medical School, Room 7001 (Medical Conference Room). Mandatory and Tulane GI fellows should be released from clinical duties to attend barring emergent situations. A mix of fellow and attending led lecture series on broad range of GI and GI subspecialty related topics to further fellow’s knowledge and meet the ACGME educational requirements as well as prepare for GI ABIM board exam. Food often provided. This is a hybrid lecture format so that fellows/attendings unable to attend on-site can attend via Zoom.

*Thurs/Fri Conference:  at Tulane Medical School, Room 7001 (Medical Conference Room). Mandatory and Tulane GI fellows should be released from clinical duties to attend barring emergent situations. A mix of fellow and attending led lecture series on broad range of GI and GI subspecialty related topics to further fellow’s knowledge and meet the ACGME educational requirements as well as prepare for GI ABIM board exam. This is a hybrid lecture format so that fellows/attendings unable to attend on-site can attend via Zoom.

Thurs conferences take place at noon and it is a Brown Bag lunch conference.  Friday conferences take place at 2pm, on weeks when conferences are held on Thursday there will be no Friday conference (and vice versa.)

* both Tuesday and Friday conference schedules may be viewed at this link:   Tulane GI Fellows' Conference Schedule