Class of 2024 Graduation Checklist
- Complete Application for Degree by 1/26/24.
- Obtain clearance from Accounts Receivable.
- Obtain clearance from Matas Library.
- Parking – return card ($30.00 deposit) and stop monthly billing.
- Federal student loan borrowers must complete a Loan Exit Session. This requirement can be completed one of three ways. Visit the Code Green website or contact the HSC Financial Aid Office for more information.
- Dual degree recipients should make certain that all degree requirements have been met and that all applicable payments for that degree have been made.
- Senior composite pictures taken. Your senior photo is a medical school requirement.
A copy of your class composite will be in with your diploma.
- Cap and gown ordered.
- Complete Special Hooder Form
- Check with the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs to make certain that all Grades have been submitted, especially grades from extramurals.
- Complete Graduation Questionnaire.
When the GQ opens on February 14, a unique link to your GQ will be sent from GQ@aamc.org to your most recently updated e-mail address that the AAMC has on file. You will not need your AAMC ID, but you will need the e-mail from us containing your unique link. Each link is private and individualized, so do not ask another student for their link, and do not forward your link to anyone else.
Also, ensure that your school has made you eligible to take the 2024 GQ. You are eligible if you are graduating in academic year 2023-2024, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. If you believe you did not receive an e-mail from us, please check your e-mail's junk or spam filter. If you still cannot locate it, contact GQ@aamc.org and they will resend your link to you.
- For information about diploma copies, contact Graduate Medical Education at (504) 988-5464.
NOTE: After commencement the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs will forward your file to the Office of Graduate Medical Education. After graduation any information needed from your file will be through the Office of Graduate Medical Education at 504-988-0745.