Neurology Residency Overview

The residents in our program cover 3 hospitals – Tulane, University Medical Center New Orleans (UMCNO) and Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health System. This involves being on-call for each of these hospitals throughout residency.

The inpatient experience is during the rotations through Stroke service, Consult service and Neurocritical service at the 3 hospitals.Read More

All residents have 1 half day continuity clinics every week.

Other clinic rotations are in 1 month blocks and include Headache, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Movement disorders and Sleep and spread throughout the residency.

Residents also have rotations in Neuro-Radiology, Neuro-Pathology and Research during the residency.

Additional electives include Neuro-rehabilitation, Pain, Behavioral Neurology, Neuro-ophthalmology and can be tailored to individual resident's interests.

All residents have 1 month of vacation during each PGY year.

The following RRC guidelines are being followed in the program during PGY 2-4:

  • At least 6 months of inpatient experience
  • At least 6 months of outpatient experience
  • 1 month mandatory Psychiatry experience (during PGY 2)
  • 3 months of mandatory Child Neurology experience
  • At least 3 months of elective time
  • All residents attend at least one national conference during the residency

The educational experience during the residency include daily ward rounds with the team, Monday resident education afternoons, weekly Grand Rounds, monthly journal club and morbidity and mortality conference.

  • Resident conference covers topics on basis sciences, subspecialty topics, neurovascular conference and case conference (jointly with medical students).
  • Conferences also have dedicated time for RITE review/ book (Neurology textbook) review, conducted primarily by the Chief Resident(s).
  • There are also numerous opportunities to participate in teaching of medical students.
  • There are numerous opportunities to participate in research projects, writing papers, presenting at local and national level etc. Residents are strongly encouraged to develop their own research projects and have at least one major project completed during their residency.
  • Each resident has as assigned faculty mentor who will assist them in all aspects of neurology during their training.

There are specific sessions at the beginning of each academic year to orient each incoming PGY2 resident to neurology and these include sessions at our Simulation Center for evaluation of the fundus, CITI training in preparation for research opportunities, lectures on performing the neuro exam, updates on managing acute neurological emergencies etc.

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