Introduction to Surgery Day teaches local high schoolers about careers in medicine

The inaugural Introduction to Surgery Day was held earlier this month. The event was organized by Tulane Univeristy School of Medicine Departments of General Surgery, Orthopaedics, and Anesthesiology, along with the TUSOM Graduate Medical Education program to provide local public school students from Warren Easton High School exposure and access to a career in surgery. 

The day consisted of several informational and procedural skills sessions. The goal of the program is to expand into a structured summer program to provide interested students with additional opportunities such as shadowing, research, and more clinical exposure. Special thanks to Mary Killackey, MD, chair of the Department of Surgery, and fourth-year medical students Alyssa Brown and John Hallmark, who worked diligently with surgery resident Vironka Davis, MD., over the last several months to make this event a success.