Office of Medical Education - IT - NBME - Computer Based Testing

NBME Examinee Instructions Information 

If you have been assigned to the Goldman Testing Center.  Your proctor will be assigned when you arrive. 

Clinical Exam Policy:

If you are unable to sit for your exam, you must fill out an Excused Absence Request in EMedley (prior or on the day of the exam).


Computer Loaners and Testing On-Site  

CHECK IF YOUR COMPUTER IS EXAM READY: (See Below for System Requirements and System Check).   

If you need a loaner computer, you must reserve it at:   

Basic Rules: 

Please, prepare your testing environment ahead of time so that you are not interrupted during your exam.  Though backpacks are allowed, we ask that you take water breaks outside Leone to avoid spilling water on computers during the exam. 

  • The computer must be plugged in to a power source during your exam.  Please make sure to bring your charger with you, regardless of whether you think you need it or not. 
  • The exam will be conducted over Wi-Fi and not require a wired connection. 
  • Try to sit with someone who is NOT in your clerkship. 
  • Cell phones are NOT permitted.   
  • Noise-canceling headphones are not allowed/ We will have earplugs on hand in case you need any. 

Loaner Laptop Users: 

  • If you reserve a loaner laptop, there will laptops at the podium with a sign-in sheet.  After the exam, please return.   
  • TO LOG INTO THE LOANER, USE THE USERNAME ‘Examtaker’ and password ‘Tulane!2018’ 
  • If you have an issue on the test day, there will be technical support available.  Please inform your proctor for support. 

During Your Exam 

Once you have launched the secure browser and entered the startup code, you will begin your exam.  

  • Technical Issues: 
    If there are technical issues during your exam, please let your proctor know ASAP so that it can be identified and mitigated.   
  • NO Scrap Paper 
    There are green boards for this exam, so you can pick one up when you sign in.  
  • Unscheduled Breaks 
    Please do what you can to limit restroom breaks, as multiple or prolonged breaks will be met with increased scrutiny. If you need to take a restroom break, you will need to notify a proctor and PAUSE your exam (the timer will continue while you are away). 
  • Contacting a proctor 
    If you need to contact a proctor, please raise your hand and a proctor will assist you. 
  • Be respectful of others testing at the end 
    Please be mindful when leaving in order to be as quiet as you can for your colleagues still testing. 

We will go over many of these instructions on Friday morning, but it’s still very important for you to review this information prior to exam day so you know what to expect and so we can minimize delays or complications. We want your exam experience to be a seamless one.   

NBME Exam Requirements 

The NBME requires that examinees can not bring any of the following items into the exam room to your workstation. These items include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Tablets (iPads are allowed only if it is the primary testing device)  
  • iPods/media devices  
  • Watches with alarms, computer or memory capability  
  • Calculators 
  • Paging devices  
  • Recording/filming devices  
  • Reference materials (book, notes, papers)  
    Backpacks, briefcases, or luggage  
  • Beverages or food of any type  
  • Coats, outer jackets, or headwear  
  • Any other devices that could make a sound unintentionally must be turned off fully.  Any extraneous sounds during the exam are distracting to others and are not allowed by the NBME. 
Windows OSApple OS or iOS
• Windows 10, Windows 11  
• 1GHz processor or higher  
• Minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 is required with a 32-bit color setting  
• 17” or larger color monitor (Desktops)  
• 13” screen or larger (Laptops)  
• ASUS Laptops with touchpad/touchscreen are not allowed  
• Virtual machines and applications are not allowed  
• Android tablets are not allowed  
• Mac OS v10.15, v11.0, v12.0, v13.0, v14.0 
• 1GHz processor or higher  
• Minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 is required with a 32-bit color setting  
• 17” or larger color monitor (Desktops)  
• 13” screen or larger (Laptops)  
• Virtual machines and applications are not allowed  
• iOS 14 or higher on iPad 5th generation or newer, iPad Air 2 or newer, iPad Pro, or iPad mini (iPads are allowed only for onsite testing) 
Browser Requirements 
• Edge 
• Chrome 
• Firefox 
• Do not use beta versions. Other browsers are not supported.  
Browser Requirements 
• Safari 12 or higher  
• Chrome*  
• Firefox* 
• Do not use beta versions. Other browsers are not supported. 
Browser Settings  
• JavaScript Enabled  
• Cookies Enabled  
• CSS Enabled  
• Pop-ups Enabled  
• TLS 1.2 or higher  
Browser Settings  
• JavaScript Enabled  
• Cookies Enabled  
• CSS Enabled  
• Pop-ups Enabled  
• TLS 1.2 or higher 
• Broadband Internet connection (DSL, Cable or T1)  
• Network bandwidth per workstation  
- 256kbps or higher for onsite testing  
- 1mbps or higher for remote testing  
• Broadband Internet connection (DSL, Cable or T1)  
• Network bandwidth per workstation  
- 256kbps or higher for onsite testing  
- 1mbps or higher for remote testing  
  • Edge1, Chrome, and Firefox support is limited to the current version plus one previous version due to forced automatic updates.  

  • Disable Toolbars, Adware or Spyware programs. They may adversely affect the computer’s performance and cause delays in loading test questions.  

  • Turn off Windows, virus scanner, and Citrix Workspace updates to avoid interruptions during testing.  

  • Some level of encryption must be in place for wireless networks while the exam is in progress. SSL can be supplemented with another security protocol, such as but not limited to WEP, WPA or WPA2.  

  • Additional computers or iPads should be available to replace devices that may malfunction or experience technical difficulties during the test session. These spares should be enabled for wired or wireless use.  

Certify your Workstation Prior to Test Day 

Make sure there are no recording programs running on your device before doing workstation certification and before beginning the examination on test day.  
Workstation Certification for Examinees with Personal Laptops  

  • Go to and follow the on-screen instructions to run the SecureBrowser. 
  • Select the Workstation Certification icon. 
  • Select the Examinee Personal Laptop Certification link. The utility will test the laptop for compatibility with web-based testing. 
  • Only make TWO (2) attempts. If successful, you will be prompted to launch a sample exam as the final step. If the test is not successful and you receive the error message below. DO NOTattempt to troubleshoot the problem on your own. 

Contact the Chief Proctor or designated technical staff person at your medical school if you get a 'Browser test was unsuccessful'.