Teaching Guidelines


Medical teaching makes unusual demands of faculty members in terms of their time and energy. Therefore, a positive effort should be made in the evaluation process to give substantial weight to medical teaching. In particular, creative activity and participation in the design, development, and implementation of portions of the medical curriculum should be recognized as highly desirable faculty functions.

One of the primary goals of the School of Medicine is the education of learners at many levels. Although the educational role varies considerably from person to person, it is expected that all faculty will be active and effective teachers.

Components of Teaching

  • Lectures
  • Small group sessions
  • Direct maundering
  • Other (e.g., COME Courses; research seminars)


  • Medical students
  • Housestaff
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
  • Undergraduate students
  • Graduate students

Evaluation of Professional Teaching Contribution

Criteria used to judge teaching contributions can include but are not limited to the following:

Quantity of Teaching Effort: The number of students, the number of hours taught, sites of teaching, and description of the course type.

Quality of Effort: Collective opinions of those taught, evaluation by course directors and colleagues, student performance on examinations, and professional accomplishments of one's student trainees, including board examination results and faculty appointments.

Development of Innovative Teaching Materials: Teaching syllabi, audiovisual programs, self-teaching sets, computerized learning procedures, institution of new courses, and other techniques.

Extramural Recognition (Local and National): Invited lectures, guest professorships, attraction of quality students and trainees, and other teaching at the extramural level.

Publications: Articles related to teaching methods.