Resources for Researchers Sample

Internal Resources

Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA)
Provides both pre and post award services to Tulane University Health Sciences Center. SPA also coordinates the review and execution of Research Agreements (i.e. drug studies), prepares and executes all required subcontracts, and maintains a grants and contracts database.

Institutional Animal Care and use Committee (IACUC)
Assuring humane care and use of animals used in research.

Health Systems Analytics Research Center
Uses advanced data tech­niques like data min­ing, pre­dic­tive mod­el­ing, regres­sion analy­sis, propen­sity score match­ing, and sim­u­la­tion mod­els to dis­cover insights into the data that may impact prac­tice and qual­ity of care.

Research Business Development
The Office of Research Business Development Connects investigators with Industry and other private collaborators. We offer guidance and support before, during and after the project.  We work in tandem with the Offices of Technology Transfer and Sponsored Projects Administration to help internal and external stakeholders access our rich expertise, explore research models and translate any unique discoveries into products and services that will transform the medical community.

Corporate, Foundation & Research Relations
As the demand for technology increases, so does the need for talented workers to meet the scientific, engineering and technical challenges of today’s society. Providing scholarships, serving as mentors, sponsoring a student group or taking on interns are all excellent examples of ways corporations can cultivate, educate and grow the next generation of scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs. There are a number of ways for your company to get involved at Tulane. Whether contributing time or treasure, your participation deepens the relationship between your business and Tulane.

Grants and Contracts Accounting
Serves the post award needs of investigators and departmental administrators. This department provides pot-award accounting functions for all awards received by the University.

Research Compliance & Research Integrity
Acts to oversee and ensure research compliance with regulations applicable to the use of human and animal subjects, biosafety and pre-award grants administration.

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
A university wide committee responsible for reviewing research activities utilizing recombinant DNA (rDNA) and/or infectious agents, assuring the safe conduct of research, assessing decontamination and biocontainment levels, and ensuring research is done in compliance with government and institution regulations.

Investigator Review Board (IRB)
Balances the protection of human subjects while promoting and facilitating the research enterprise, and to maintain an open and cooperative relationship with the research community

Technology Transfer & Intellectual Property Development
Translates research and knowledge from the laboratory and classroom into technologies that benefit the public.

Department of Comparative Medicine
Supports the research activities of Tulane University faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, residents, and students by fostering a comprehensive program of quality animal care.


External Resources

Louisiana Clinical & Translational Science Center
Prevention, care and research of chronic diseases in the underserved population.


Louisiana Cancer Research Consortium
A consortium of research and medical institutions that promotes education and conducts research in the diagnosis, detection and treatment of cancer, while pursuing a National Cancer Institute (NCI) designation.


LPHI - Louisiana Public Health Institute
Bringing People, Ideas and Resources Together


New Orleans BioInnovation Center
A technology business incubator dedicated to supporting life science entrepreneurs, creating a knowledge-based regional economy, and improving health one innovation at a time.

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Tulane University's Office of Research