Emergency and Safety Information


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Tulane University Emergency Information

Visit http://tulane.edu/emergency

Needlestick and Health Information

In the course of training at any one of the Tulane University Health Sciences schools, students may, on rare occasions, be inadvertently exposed to blood-borne pathogens, toxins, or suffer an injury while engaging in educational or training activity.

These incidents may include accidental needle sticks or splashes with bodily fluids, or simply twisting an ankle while performing an educational task.

If you suffer an accidental exposure or injury, remember to contact the Student Health Center or the 24-hour Nurse Advice Line at 1-855-487-0290

Mon-Fri 8:30am to 5:00pm
Call Student Health Center: 504-988-6929

All Other Times:
Call the 24-hour Nurse Advice Line at 1-855-487-0290
After hours, you should also report exposure immediately to your supervisor and/or head nurse at the hospital or clinic. He or she will assist you with obtaining source consent and lab work.

For further instructions, please visit the Student Health Services website

Blood Borne Pathogen Emergency (BBPE)

Disaster & Emergency Planning

In the event of a serious weather event or other emergency, Tulane will activate the AlertLine. All Tulane students, faculty, and staff, as well as parents, can call the AlertLine during emergencies for up-to-the-minute information from the university including closings and reopenings.

Medical students (all years) are to follow Tulane’s closing notices. If the school is closed due to an evacuation, students are asked to finish their work and follow the University Evacuation Procedures.

AlertLine: 504-862-8080
Outside the New Orleans area: 1-877-862-8080
Tulane Emergency Website: http://tulane.edu/emergency