Educational Program Objectives for Graduating Medical Students (Revised July 2014)






Knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, and cognitive sciences must be applied to patient care.

Students will be able to:
K11 apply basic science principles of normal and abnormal structure and function apply to clinical medicine
K12 use the principles of clinical reasoning
K13 recognize and manage common medical problems
K14 recognize and respond to acute life-threatening problems
K15 provide patient care based on the human life cycle stages
K16 apply the principles of evidence-based medicine
K17 demonstrate the clinical competencies expected in each of the core medical specialties
K18 describe the organization and systems of health care delivery and financing
K19 apply principles of preventive and populationbased medicine, and environmental health
K20 provide patient care with regard for psychosocial issues
K21 apply the principles of clinical epidemiology, medical ethics, and alternative medicine
K22 describe the process of managing a patient from hospital admission through discharge
K23 describe the roles of key members of the treatment team
K24 describe the basic layout and key components of the patient chart and privacy laws (HIPAA)
K25 apply basic principles of patient safety and quality improvement
K26 describe the basic economics of how medical care is paid for
K27 describe the procedure for referring patients to ED, risks with transitions of care and ways to minimize risks


Attitudes toward patients, colleagues, and the community must demonstrate professionalism and humanitarianism.

Students will demonstrate:
AB10 altruism, honesty, ethical behavior, caring and compassion
AB11 use of adaptive mechanisms for dealing with stress
AB12 commitment to excellence in patient care
AB13 commitment to the patient's welfare and advocacy
AB14 respect for and cooperation with all participants of the health care system
AB15 sensitivity to diversity
AB16 appreciation of medicine as a service profession
AB17 commitment to equity
AB18 responsibility for preventive care
AB19 participation in providing public health education
AB20 engagement in life-long learning and adaptability to the changing health care environment
AB21 commitment to civic responsibilities


Skills are based on acquiring the necessary knowledge, and are also a measure of student ability to apply knowledge to the art of medicine.

Students will be able to:
S16 perform a comprehensive or focused history and physical examination, and recognize the appropriateness of when to perform each of these exams.
S17 order and interpret appropriate laboratory and diagnostic studies
S18 integrate history, physical examination and laboratory results
S19 perform routine and simple procedures necessary for patient care
S20 tailor treatment to individual patients
S21 recognize normal and abnormal findings across the life cycle
S22 generate appropriate differential and working diagnoses
S23 use information and knowledge seeking skills necessary for life-long learning
S24 cope with ambiguity and uncertainty
S25 differentiate between emergent, urgent, and routine health conditions
S26 coordinate or arrange appropriate intervention
S27 interact in a confidence-inspiring manner with patients and their families
S28 provide informed consent
S29 recognize and manage personal limitations in treating patients, evaluate and remediate personal deficiencies
S30 listen and communicate effectively with colleagues, patients and their families
S31 exercise conflict resolution
S32 work effectively with others on the healthcare team
S33 advocate for community needs
S34 apply population knowledge to patient management
S35 give a basic oral case presentation
S36 practice universal precautions and hand hygiene
S37 assess the functional and mental status of elderly patients
S38 access and appropriately use the electronic medical record