Clinical Psychology Adult Track

illustration of 5 trees shaped like heads

The Tulane University School of Medicine internship in Adult Psychology is an integral part of the psychology internship program. The training program offers a broad range of experiences and opportunities to well-qualified applicants and provides concentrated training experiences in forensic assessment and treatment in both inpatient and community settings throughout the internship year.

General Training Model

The Adult Track intern’s major area of study is Forensic Psychology. The intern spends two days per week for the training year at an inpatient forensic and psychiatric hospital (Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System) and two days per week conducting outpatient forensic evaluations (in person and remotely). The aim of the Forensic Psychology major area of study is to offer a planned, programmatic sequence of supervised forensic training experiences in accordance with the education and training guidelines promulgated by the America Board of Forensic Psychology (ABFP). Specific training opportunities are described under “Clinical Experiences and Training Opportunities."

Training Goals: Adult Track

To enhance the intern’s competence as a psychodiagnostician across the full range of adult psychopathology.

To train the intern to become a valued member of a multidisciplinary treatment team.

To enhance the intern’s psychotherapy competence. This includes appropriate evaluation/assessment, accurate psychological/psychiatric diagnosis, a plan of intervention including realistic and obtainable goals, and skilled provision of individual and group psychotherapy.

To train the intern to provide effective consultation to other professionals, and to educate them about psychological methods and principles.

To ensure that the intern maintains professional conduct with patients, colleagues, peers, and supervisors and to demonstrate that the intern obtains adequate knowledge of ethical principles and state law.

To engender sensitivity to cultural and individual diversity of patients, colleagues, peers, and supervisors, and to provide culturally sensitive and responsive care.

To ensure that the intern becomes proficient and professional in documentation in both the inpatient and outpatient setting as required by accrediting agencies.

Supervisors facilitate and monitor interns' acquisition of knowledge and skills through the following methods:

  • Individual supervision at least two hours weekly.
  • Direct observation of the intern’s evaluation and treatment sessions with patients/evaluees provide the opportunity for immediate supervision on issues of evaluation, therapy content and process, and triage, as necessary.
  • Attendance at psychology didactics and seminars, psychiatry grand rounds, departmental and medical school conferences, case conferences and seminars to facilitate learning about pertinent theory, evaluation, treatment, clinical practice, and research issues in psychology and psychiatry.
  • Participation in and direct supervision at mock trial
  • Participation in Forensic Psychiatry Landmark Case Series.

Observation of expert testimony when available. Some websites within the Tulane Health Sciences Center that might be of interest to individuals seeking the Adult Track Internship are:

Tulane Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Tulane Forensic Psychiatry