Office of Medical Education ~ Faculty Development ~ Teaching & Assessing Professionalism


Assessment of Professionalism as an Obligation of Self-Regulation

Video of Live Event (requires Tulane authentication)
PowerPoint slides

Assessment of Professionalism: Why and How

Video of Live Event (requires Tulane authentication)
PowerPoint slides

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New Tools and Paradigms for Assessing Professionalism in the Health Sciences


John Mahan, MD, Presenter, IAMSE Webinar October 6, 2016.

 Research2 Unprofessional Behavior in Medical School is Associated with Subsequent Disciplinary Action by a State Medical Board

Maxine A. Papadakis, MD, Carol S. Hodgson, PhD, Arianne Teharani, PhD, and Neal D. Kohatsu, Md, MPHA


Annotated Bibliography of Articles on the Definition and Understanding of Professionalism