Books by Faculty


Gleason, M.M.Trigg, A.B. (Eds) (2020). Managing behavioral issues in child care and schools: A quick reference guide. Itasca, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.


This new quick reference guide provides child care directors, teachers, and caregivers with essential information on managing emotional and behavioral issues in group care settings. Topics cover social-emotional development, biting, napping difficulties, post-traumatic stress disorder, gender development, self-stimulation behaviors, and more. In addition to behavioral issues commonly seen in small children, epigenetics, medications, toxic stress, adverse childhood experiences, and how to help children who have undergone traumatic experiences are touched on by the editors. The book contains 25 quick reference sheets on topics such as ADHD, ASD, depression, tantrums, and separation anxiety. In addition, sample daily report forms, medication forms, and other informative documents to support working with young children are also included in this comprehensive guide. Case studies are also presented on various difficult situations with small children in a classroom setting and discuss how these situations might be handled.



Heller, S.S. & Gilkerson, L. (Eds.) (2009) A Practical Guide to Reflective Supervision. Washington, D.C: ZERO TO THREE Press.


This valuable book outlines the key steps in creating a system of reflective supervision within an early childhood program to improve services, support staff, and better meet the needs of children and families. With chapters written by leading experts, this book provides answers to the critical questions that every program needs to know to launch reflective supervision and lists activities that can be used to build the reflective capacity within a staff.



Scheeringa MS (2018). They’ll Never Be The Same: A Parent’s Guide to PTSD in Youth. Las Vegas: Central Recovery Press.


An award-winning research psychiatrist exposes myths about childhood trauma and PTSD and provides evidence-based solutions. A compassionate and accessible guide for parents whose children have experienced traumatic or life-threatening events written by one of the foremost authorities on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents.


Scheeringa MS (2016). Treating PTSD in Preschoolers: A Clinical Guide. New York: Guilford Press.


Adapting cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to meet the needs of 3- to 6-year-olds with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this book provides an evidence-based framework for assessment and treatment. Step-by-step instructions are provided for conducting graduated exposure in a safe, developmentally appropriate fashion. Case examples and sample dialogues illustrate how to implement each component of therapy, engage both children and parents, and motivate them to complete treatment successfully. The treatment is suitable for children exposed to any type of trauma.



Clark R., Murphy M., Richard-Davis G., Hayes J., Theall KP. (2009) Planning Parenthood: Strategies for Success in Fertility Assistance, Adoption, and Surrogacy.  John Hopkins University Press:  Baltimore, MD.


Planning to become a parent is a profound experience, at times agonizing, hopeful, stressful, and joyous. Not everyone is able to become pregnant, however. When the journey to parenthood proves challenging, Planning Parenthood will guide prospective parents through the complicated mazes of assisted reproduction and adoption. Specialist authors first describe fertility assistance, surrogacy, and adoption, clearly outlining the requirements of each strategy. They compare the medical, emotional, financial, and legal investments and risks involved with each of these options. Then they introduce the issues that people will need to consider when deciding which path to parenthood is best for them. Along the way these experts offer encouragement for changing course under any number of circumstances.



Nelson, C.A., Fox, N.A & Zeanah, C.H. (2014). Romania’s abandoned children: Deprivation, brain development and the struggle for recovery. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.


Launched in 2000, the Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP) was a rigorously controlled investigation of foster care as an alternative to institutionalization. Researchers included 136 abandoned infants and toddlers in the study and randomly assigned half of them to foster care created specifically for the project. The other half stayed in Romanian institutions, where conditions remained substandard. Over a twelve-year span, both groups were assessed for physical growth, cognitive functioning, brain development, and social behavior. Data from a third group of children raised by their birth families were collected for comparison. The study found that the institutionalized children were severely impaired in IQ and manifested a variety of social and emotional disorders, as well as changes in brain development. However, the earlier an institutionalized child was placed into foster care, the better the recovery. Combining scientific, historical, and personal narratives in a gripping, often heartbreaking, account, Romania’s Abandoned Children highlights the urgency of efforts to help the millions of parentless children living in institutions throughout the world.



ZERO TO THREE Task Force on Diagnostic Classification (C.H. Zeanah, Chair) (2016). Diagnostic classification of mental health and developmental disorders of infancy and early childhood. Washington, D.C., ZERO TO THREE Press.


This volume captures new findings relevant to diagnosis in young children and addresses unresolved issues in the field. DC:0–5™ enhances the professional’s ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat mental health problems in the earliest years by identifying and describing disorders not addressed in other classification systems and by pointing the way to effective intervention approaches.



Zeanah, C.H. (Ed.) (2019). Handbook of infant mental health, 4th edition.  New York, Guilford Press.


The definitive reference in the field—now significantly revised with 75 percent new material—this volume examines typical and atypical development from birth to the preschool years and identifies what works in helping children and families at risk. Foremost experts explore neurobiological, family, and sociocultural factors in infant mental health, with a major focus on primary caregiving relationships. Risk factors for developmental problems are analyzed, and current information on disorders and disabilities of early childhood is presented. The volume showcases evidence-based approaches to assessment and intervention and describes applications in mental health, primary care, child care, and child welfare settings.



Zeanah, C.H. (Ed). (2020). Encyclopedia of infant and early childhood development, Clinical and atypical volume, 2nd edition. J. Benson, Editor-in-chief. New York, Elsevier Publishing.


Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive entry point into the existing literature on child development in the fields of psychology, genetics, neuroscience and sociology. Featuring 171 chapters, across 3 volumes, this work helps readers understand these developmental changes, when they occur, why they occur, how they occur, and the factors that influence development. Although some medical information is included, the emphasis lies mainly in normal growth, primarily from a psychological perspective. Comprehensive and in-depth scholarly articles cover theoretical, applied and basic science topics, providing an interdisciplinary approach.