Staff Kudos Program




The SAIDE Staff Advancement/Retention Subcommittee is proud to partner with the Professional/Environment of Learning Program (PELP) to announce the new Staff Kudos Program!


Starting February 1, 2023, SAIDE will select one entry from the PELP Kudos Form every month that best exemplifies one of the School of Medicine Guiding Principles, and that individual will:

  • Receive a personalized message from the Dean
  • Have their name & comments announced via email; published on Tulane Social Media


And three times a year, one random entry will be selected to choose from a possible list of prizes*, including:

  • Breakfast/lunch for their team
  • One floating holiday
  • Tickets to a Tulane event
  • One-Time Pay/Gift Card


If you see a staff member going above and beyond or doing exceptional work, please don’t hesitate to submit a Kudos Form and let us know! We know there are amazing things going on at the School of Medicine and want to hear all about them.



  • Staff are limited to one triannual award per year
  • Award possibilities will be customized based on the individual; floating holidays must be approved by supervisor
  • There is no restriction to how many kudos cards a staff member can get, but only 5 entries will be considered for the “raffles” each year


We look forward to finding more opportunities to celebrate our wonderful Tulane SOM Staff every day!


The SAIDE Staff Advancement/Retention Committee