Senior Photos

Senior Photos

DATES: Monday, March 10, 2025, and Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Your senior photo is a medical school requirement.
Where: Murphy Building, Classroom 1040. 
What to wear: Please dress appropriately: coat and tie, suit, or dress. Pictures will be taken with cap and gown and in dress clothes. The photographer has regalia for the photos.

These pictures are for the class composite and a copy will be in your diploma tube at the diploma ceremony. A large class composite is displayed on the 15th floor of the Murphy Building for one year and then delivered to the School of Medicine building at 1430 Tulane Avenue to be displayed with other graduation composites. You will have an opportunity to purchase the pictures taken. Please follow the schedule below based on your last name. 

Monday, March 10
Wednesday, March 12 
  A - Bo:

9 AM. - 10 AM

Li - Mc:

 9 AM - 10 AM

Br - Da:

10 AM - 11 AM

Me - Pa :

 10 AM - 11 AM

De - E:

 11 AM - 12 PM

Pe - Ra:

11 AM - 12 PM

F- G:

  1 PM - 2 PM

Re - Se:

1 PM - 2 PM

  H:  2 PM - 3 PM

Sh - Sw:

 2 PM - 3 PM 
  I - Ka:  3 PM - 4 PM

T - V:

 3 PM - 4 PM
  Ki - Le:  4 PM - 5 PM

W - Z:

 4 PM - 5 PM

If you cannot be present for the scheduled senior photo dates (3/10/25 and 3/12/25 ) you can have your photo taken at the photographer’s studio. Please contact Carla Gamble at 504-467-0230 or email for additional information. Location for makeup photos: MillerFoto, 319 David Drive, Metairie, Louisiana, 70003. 

MillerFoto staff will also communicate how you may arrange to have your photo included in the composite if you are unable to make the in-studio makeup dates.

Students may collect their Match Day wristbands at the time of their photo. Only one envelope will be given to each student. Students who can't collect their Match Day wristbands at the time of senior photos may collect them from Student Affairs the following week. There will notbe wristband pick-up on Match Day at the venue!