Match Day

Match Day 2025 is Friday, March 21!

WhereClub XLIV & ENCORE 

When: Doors open at 10:00 a.m., and the ceremony begins at 10:30 a.m. 

All attendees will be able to park in Garage 2, Garage 2A, and Champions Garage. Lot 3 will also be open for any ADA attendees or oversized vehicles. The payment at each of these locations will be $20.00 and can be paid via credit or debit card.

All guests must have a wristband to enter the venue. If you are a staff/faculty member and would like to attend, please get in touch with 



Candid Moments from Match Day 2023

2023 Match Results

Match Day is the culmination of four challenging years, and, in some ways, is the most exciting day of the medical school experience. Every year at a predetermined time, medical students across the country learn simultaneously which hospital will educate them for the next three to seven years.

Up until Match Day, senior medical students complete numerous applications and interviews at the residencies of their choice. They rank the places where they would like to continue their medical training. The residency programs in turn rank the applicants and the National Resident Matching Program produced the computer-generated matches.

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