Cancer Population Sciences & Disparities


Researchers in the Cancer Population Sciences & Disparities Research Program focus on the epidemiology of cancer, with an emphasis on disparities, health equity, and behavioral interventions for better prevention and diagnosis.


Cancer Population Sciences & Disparities Program Leader

Michael Hoerger, PhD
Michael Hoerger, PhD
​​​​​Assistant Professor of Psychology & Psychiatry
Tulane University School of Medicine
Co-Lead, Cancer Population Sciences & Disparities
Louisiana Cancer Research Center
Click here for Dr. Hoerger's publications.


Cancer Population Sciences and Disparities Research Program Faculty

Kevin Callison, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Health Policy & Management
Click here for Dr. Callison's publications.

Melissa Gonzales, PhD, MS
Professor & Chair
Department of Environmental Health Sciences
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Gonzales's publications.

Jeanette Gustat, PhD, MPH
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Gustat's publications.

Aaron Hoffman, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Hoffman's publications.

Carl Kendall, PhD
Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Kendall's publications.

Michelle Lacey, PhD
Department of Mathematics
School of Science & Engineering, Tulane University
Click here for Dr. Lacey's publications.

Elisa Ledet, PhD
Research Instructor
Department of Radiation Oncology
Tulane University School of Medicine
Click here for Dr. Ledet's publications.

Preston Marx, PhD
Tropical Medicine
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Marx's publications.

Diego Rose, PhD, MPH, RD
Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Rose's publications.

Sudesh Srivastav, PhD
Department of Biostatistics & Data Science
Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Click here for Dr. Srivastav's publications.

Kimberly Terrell, PhD
Research Scientist
Director of Community Engagement
Tulane University School of Law
Click here for Dr. Terrell's publications.

Cancer Population Sciences and Disparities Research Program Members In the News...


Kevin Callison, PhD

Study: More paid sick leave results in more cancer screenings | Tulane University News


Jeanette Gustat, PhD, MPH

Study finds yield lights have drivers hitting gas instead of brakes at Lafitte Greenway | Tulane University News

Healthy neighborhoods contribute to healthy people | Tulane University News

Think small | Tulane University News

Makin | Tulane University News

Walking Path Gets A Neighborhood Moving, Says Tulane Study | Tulane University News

Bike Lanes Bring a Lot More Riders | Tulane University News

Homemade meals are key to eating fresh foods | Tulane University News


Michael Hoerger, PhD

Tulane researcher shows education can ease fear in cancer patients | Tulane University News

Doctors should address reduced sense of taste and smell in cancer patients, Tulane study says | Tulane University News

Advanced cancer patients can live longer with palliative care, Tulane study says | Tulane University News


Elisa Ledet, PhD

Prostate cancer patients target of new $1.6M Tulane study | Tulane University News


Preston Marx, PhD

Roots of AIDS Virus May Be Ancient | Tulane University News

Tulane University Researchers Find Ancient Roots for SIV | Tulane University News


Diego Rose, PhD, MPH, RD

Study shows simple diet swaps can cut carbon emissions and improve your health | Tulane University News

How a mere 12% of Americans eat half the nation’s beef, creating significant health and environmental impacts | Tulane University News

Study: Lower-carbon diets aren’t just good for the planet, they’re also healthier | Tulane University News

Just one change per day can make your diet more planet friendly | Tulane University News

Study finds dietary guidelines around the world have vastly different carbon footprints | Tulane University News

Healthy Food for Healthy Neighborhoods | Tulane University News


Kimberly Terrell, PhD

Tulane study: Louisiana's severe air pollution linked to dozens of cancer cases each year | Tulane Law School

Toxic Air Pollution Linked to Higher Cancer Rates in Louisiana | Tulane Law School