Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Aging Studies

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Our faculty and students have embarked on a voyage of discovery of the biological and psychosocial mechanisms underlying aging and their interconnections. Browse the program's website and be sure to also visit the Tulane Center for Aging web site.


Our program focuses on the processes of aging at the individual and societal level. It examines how people change over the adult life course, the interrelationships between older people and social institutions, and the societal impact of the changing age-composition of the population. We emphasize the dynamic interplay between the aging of individuals and their changing biomedical, social, and physical environments and multi-level interactions among psychological, physiological, genetic, social, and cultural domains. Our goal is integration and synthesis within and across these domains. Our faculty's teaching and research emphasizes both animal and human studies and takes place in a wide range of disciplinary and departmental settings across all of the schools at the university. Our students and faculty provide the foundation for this enterprise, working to create a new generation of leaders in this interdisciplinary field who will assume key positions in academia and in the public and private sectors. The program facilitates both basic and translational research allowing program participants to design and develop working models or implement a process that will initiate viable products or services for older adults in the expanding global community.

We welcome all inquiries into the Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Aging Studies, which was announced by then University President Scott Cowen in his "Tulane Talk" on September 18, 2009.