Tulane Drop-In Center Outreach

homeless white male

The overarching goal of the Drop-In Outreach Program is to aid youth on the streets in making healthy and self-affirming decisions.

The outreach team conducts street-level case management intended to link clients to needed services, and to help facilitate youth in making the transition from street living to transitional or permanent housing.

Outreach is a community-level intervention that occurs on the streets, in shelters, corner stores, community centers and wherever the most underserved homeless youth and/or youth at risk for homelessness are likely to be found.

The Drop-In Center has been successfully conducting street outreach for over five years with the purpose of reaching homeless youth, particularly those youth who do not self-identify as homeless or who are not likely to seek traditional services.  The Street Outreach Program has been instrumental in identifying new clients, linking them into needed services and spreading the word about the Drop-In Center.