TUSOM Companion App


tusom companion logo

The School of Medicine Dean’s office has created a new app that puts important information at your fingertips. The goal for the TUSOM Companion App is to support School of Medicine Students, Faculty and staff. It contains helpful resources to support medical education, training and well-being.

Connect easily with key information from Student Affairs, Faculty Affairs, Graduate Medical Education, Clerkships and Residency Programs. TUSOM Companion includes security information, Shuttles, important links to information you need, all in one place.

All eligible individuals are invited to download it, become familiar with it, and use as needed. We hope you find it helpful, and welcome your suggestions for improvement and for additional tools to be added in the future.

To request additional content be added or to report inaccurate information in the TUSOM Companion App go to: App Suggestions

The TUSOM Companion App was originally designed to help the school manage our LCME accreditation site visit.  Faculty and Students are required by the LCME to be familiar with multiple login 2nd screenpolicies and services (needle stick policies, student health protocols, campus assistance, work hours, mistreatment policies, professionalism policies, diversity, emergency policies, etc.)  These items are more than individuals can possibly remember, and the information is scattered across the School of Medicine websites.  Therefore, we put all of this information and more in a single app for easy access.  The app includes information on student services, directory of important numbers, policy and procedures, curriculum, clerkship information, MSG and student organizations.  It includes links to the information for General Medical Faculty, Faculty Development, Appointment & Promotion and much more.

TUSOM Companion App

Q. Where do I get the mobile application? 

A. At the App Store for your device. TYPE IN THE FULL NAME, TUSOM COMPANION.

apple app store icon

google play store icon

Q. How do I log into the TUSOM Companion mobile app?

A: Your login is valid for 28 days and has two steps. Here’s how it works:

Step 1:
When the TUSOM Companion app shows you this “Sign in to your account” screen, you need to enter your own ‘LoginName@tulane.edu’ Email address where it says “Sign in.”

Step 2:
You will be rerouted to the Tulane University weblogin page, and from here, things are the same as the Website: enter just your email and password.


Q: What is a Tool Kit?
A: A Tool Kit is a subset collection of content within the TUSOM library. It has been organized to make it easier for the clinicians to find what they might be looking for. It does not include everything that is available in the TUSOM Companion website. For example, a Tool Kit developed for ‘Medical Students’ would only contain specialized for that group. Content is organized under 6 or more buttons. Each of the buttons represents a collection of content that should be recognizable by the users. At least one Tool Kit must be downloaded for the mobile app to work.

Q: How do I load a Tool Kit into the TUSOM COMPANION mobile app?
A: The TUSOM COMPANION app stores Tool Kits on your phone, which you must download to use. You must download at least one Tool Kit to use the app. Tool Kits available for download have this icon:cloud icon
Tap the kit to download.
 It changes to a checkmark after successful download. Tap the name of a downloaded Tool Kit to open it.

download toolkit

Q: Can I download a Tool Kit using cellular network/data?
A: Depends. You can download a Tool Kit either with your cellular network or with a WiFi connection. Whether you have access via your cellular network depends on your phone settings. Note: Cellular connection data charges may apply.

Q: What happens if I don’t have enough space to download the Tool Kit?
A: Your device will warn you that there is insufficient space and the download will cancel. To fix this more memory needs to be added or other content removed from the device.

Q: How do I search content within a Tool Kit on a mobile device?
A: On the main screen select the on the top. After you type at least 3 characters into the search box the results will begin to show. Items with words in the title and keywords that match your search term are at the top of the results, followed by items that have matching words only in the body of the item. Touch the desired search result to open to content.

Q. I noticed something wrong with the content listed on TUSOM COMPANION! What do I do?
A. You have 2 ways to contact us: (1) In the Website: click the ‘Contact Us’ link. (2) In the mobile app Select the “burger” icon in the upper right corner of the devices and touch the send feedback choice (figure 4).

toolkit screen

Q: I am having trouble opening the mobile app or it is behaving erratically.
A: It is uncommon to have problems with the app but when it happens there are a few things to consider before contacting support: 1. Ensure you are using a supported devices and recent operating system: • Apple users – iOS 7.0 or later • Android users – 4.1.1 (API level 16) or later 2. Delete the affected Tool Kit and re-download. To delete a Tool Kit, select the “burger” icon in the upper right corner of the devices. Slide the toolkit you wish to delete to the left revealing the red delete button (figure 5). Tap the ‘Delete’ button.

delete screen

Step 3:
To re-download the Tool Kit, tap the cloud button on the bottom right corner to access the Tool Kits download page. Find the Tool Kit and download it.

toolkit screen

Step 4:
If the above does not fix the problem, the next step is to remove the TUSOM COMPANION Tool app from your device and reinstall it. Follow the directions for your operating system to delete and install apps.

Step 5:
Lastly, please email support@tactuum.com.