How to Request Copies of Your Teaching Evaluations

  1. GME: If you need teaching evaluations from GME, use Med-Hub. QuickStart Guide to MedHub.
  2. BMS: If you need teaching evaluations from BMS, these can be accessed at Gibson On-line. Steps to Save Course Evals as PDFs
  3. Preclinical Teaching faculty: All faculty who teach in the preclinical curriculum (years 1 and 2) are evaluated by students. These evaluations are scheduled and disseminated by the Office of Medical Education, and all results are posted in Box for each individual faculty member to access – generally within 2 weeks after the course/module ends.
  4. Clinical Teaching Faculty: For faculty who teach in the clinical curriculum, they are evaluated by students as well. These evaluations are scheduled/disseminated by clerkship directors/coordinators since they know who supervised/mentored individual students. These evaluations are called student of faculty/student of resident evaluations. Feedback is accessible by faculty in E*Value and aggregated quarterly to protect student anonymity.